Chapter 9

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Jungkook quickly removed his seatbelt and rushed inside before older could even scold him about anything, opening the front door, quickly walked inside. The smell of his home was calming and stress free, until his eyes landed on the envelope resting at the console, the one he remembered his lawyer shared with him before sending it to Taehyung's office, and his breath hitched.

As Taehyung opened the door and sauntered in after locking it behind himself, Jungkook thought it was the perfect time to confront this envelope finally, he lifted it up, confused at the weight of it, he teared off the edge of it only to find ashes of papers falling out of it, turning around with a frowning face, "what even—"

"You signed your answer with a pen, I signed mine by burning it, the moment I saw them!" Older shrugged removing his coat and hanging it inside the wooden cabinet next to the door.

"You can't— ! It's over anyway!" Jungkook snapped and Taehyung folded his arms, resting his back by the cabinet, trying to hear what last arguments he has left.

"Really? Try me" older mocked and Jungkook scoffed at him, walking closer "I heard the conversation between you and your father last night. And don't you dare try to play me now, if you haven't done enough of that yet!" Throwing the envelope on the floor he threatened.

Taehyung stared at his face with his forever calm and collected expressions, waiting for more words that didn't come out so he asked "and ?"

"And I know how about all those options you have besides me! Go ahead, enjoy your party and find a new bride for yourself!" He pushed his finger into older's chest who smiled, "Kook! Is that why you left the house that late last night? Were you scared I would choose someone else over the most adorable human I already have as the world's best husband?"

"Don't try to play me with words Taehyung. Go get your parents a heir, and a family you need so much!" Jungkook pushed him with his both arms trying to take out his anger, and older chuckled, holding his both wrists, stopping him from wasting more of his energy.

"Let go off me!" Jungkook whimpered now that he let his worries out, he was vulnerable, but luckily infront of him stood his husband who as a matter of fact cared alot about his fragile heart. Taehyung didn't let his lips tremble, instead he pulled them into a kiss, a long awaited kiss they both needed, and the way he sucked hard made Jungkook melt, tears rolling down his cheeks as he closed his eyes, letting older lead.

Taehyung let his hands go and younger wrapped them around his neck, pulling him closer than ever, until they couldn't get physically more pressed together, hungrily devouring them Jungkook let his desire win.

Older grabbed his lower body, lifting him up and walked inside towards the couch, placing Jungkook down without letting his lips go, he let his lungs deprived of air, parting only when he thought younger really needed to breathe.

No moving away from him at all, giving only a couple of inch space for Jungkook to take long breaths as he gather his composure, his chest moving up and down faster, "I am so mad— mphh!" He couldn't complete his sentence when Taehyung smashed their lips together again, his hands trying to hold himself steady on top of him when Jungkook wrapped his legs around his torso to pull him down, he moaned in the kiss when younger rubbed his lower body against his own, creating much needed friction.

He parted again, pulling his shirt out of his head, kissing down younger's lips to his face and then to his neck all while Jungkook's hands rested on his nape, he moaned when Taehyung bit the sensitive spot on his neck, then his rough long hands, moved down his chest to his waist, inside his grey sweater, "no more running baby! No more excuses", he pulled the sweater out of his head, throwing it somewhere and latched at younger's perky nipple, playing with other between his fingers and Jungkook's eyes rolled back when he bit them gently before sucking them, "ah~"

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