Chapter 6

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Taking a drag from the cigarette, Jungkook let his lungs burn with the smoke once again. He wasn't a smoker as per se, but he has started smoking after he started feeling left out, after he realised older was cheating on him. He usually steals from older's pack, smoke when he feels alone, and today seems like one of his worst days.

Standing by the balcony of older's room, Jungkook was staring at the sea, Jimin left an hour ago and he still didn't have the courage to go out and face the world.

He thought about the past night, one moment he was fine, sitting next to Taehyung then how did he manage to find a guy in that club and came into Taehyung's room with him, out of all places.

He held his head again, how can he even think about sleeping with someone else, then he thought about it, nothing in his bottom was hurting, he checked down there, it was all clean no irritation, no signs of any activity.

Maybe, nothing happened between them, maybe he just came here and slept, his heart skipped a beat at this thought, "oh please! Let it be true", he prayed searching around the room for any signs.Checking the bed sheets, that he might have had sex with someone and found none, he sighed in relief.

"Oh thank goodness!!" He whispered to himself, but then how will he prove that to older, he sat down on the floor. Taehyung has seen him with his own eyes with someone else in his bed, almost naked.

Jungkook doesn't even know the name of that guy or even how he looked, poor guy saw him for a few seconds while looking at older in shock.

He remembered he how never once believed Taehyung, when he said he was innocent, he gulped remembering how he kept accusing him of things and older never once agreed doing any one of them. He gripped his hair, "why was I so stubborn!"

He called Taehyung after a few minutes, he has to tell him how he didn't do anything. Whatever he saw was just a coincidence, at least that's what he believes. But older didn't answer even once, Jungkook decided to stay here until he comes back, there's no way he will leave Taehyung on a misunderstanding this big. Jungkook can never cheat on him because even in his lost mind, he has always and ever thought about him and him only.

Never once in his life he even thought about being with someone else, that's one thing he can swear on. And older has to hear that from him, Jungkook needs to explain himself, he just needs one chance to share his feelings.

When even after waiting for long hours older didn't come back, he dialled Jimin's number to hear about his whereabouts, for first few calls Jimin didn't answer either.

But when he did, he told him that they were out for dinner with those french guests, which reminded him of that girl that tried to touch Taehyung, his husband!

"Where are you guys exactly?" He asked removing his shirt to change, he needed to be there, to protect whatever was left of his relationship. God forbid if older was thinking about moving on from Jungkook to that long legged bitch, he will die.

Jimin told him about the restaurant and the beach, which Jungkook has visited a couple of times, he dialled Eunwoo's number once asking him to meet down at the lobby, "it's a code red!" He urged before cutting the call wearing a leather pant from Taehyung's closet and pairing up a loose shirt that he saw older wearing the other day, and quickly walked out of the room closing his button and ruffling his hair.


Yogyeom still wasn't back but the other two of his friends were there to support him, as they reached the beach, paying the taxi and rushing inside. Jungkook's eyes scanned the whole place, it was one of his favourite restaurants and he was the one who introduced it to older, his eyes scrunching to look closely at the person he was looking for and he found him standing alone by the reeling infront of the sea.

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