Chapter 1

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Jungkook walked into the office, going straight to his best friend and threw a good hug at him, Mingyu had to balance himself because of the sudden sulking man, "the fuck? What happened to you kooks??" Yogyeom who was sitting on his chair, a sad face of his friend made him go suspicious.

Jungkook shares his table with his three other friends, Mingyu, who he met 2 years ago, once he joined the office. Yogyeom, his childhood best friend and Eunwoo, who he found in college before meeting Taehyung. Together they make a best team, even outside work.

"He said he won't sign the papers", he sat down on his chair, placing his laptop on the table, and opening it up.

"As expected", Mingyu added.

"He also said, I won't find a lawyer".

"What is that supposed to mean? How can you not find a lawyer?" He eunwoo said, placing the files he was reading on the table.

"You know the asshole, he said he wouldn't let any lawyer take my case. God I hate him so much".

"No you don't kook, you're just overreacting, people forgive their spouses for these kind of mistakes", Yogyeom added.

Well, his friends are divided into two groups for this, Yogyeom and Eunwoo think he should forgive his husband because he loves him so much, and then there's Mingyu and Jungkook himself, they don't even think there's any way he can forget what he did to him.

It's about to the intimacy, the most important and precious thing in a relationship, and if he forgets older this time, he will keep doing it for the rest of their lives and Jungkook can't stand this. It irks him to the point that he wants to smash Taehyung's head between his hands, the thought that he wasn't complete enough to satisfy older, that's why he is looking at other people.

"I used to love him Gyeomie, now there's just agony and hatred. I want him to feel what I feel" he said taking the file he had to work on, today.

"Hate is just the other side of love kook, are you sure you won't regret it after the divorce?" Eunwoo asked.

Jungkook just sighed, how can he not think about it, he has been in love with Taehyung for four years, they started living together once they confessed. He is used to seeing Taehyung around himself most of the time and now once they get the divorce, they won't see each other again, and this thought sucks the life out of him but he can't forgive him for touching someone else or multiple someones.


Taehyung threw his laptop bag on the table and sat down on his chair, he was frustrated, extremely angry and disappointed at Jungkook. What made it all worse was a white envelope resting on his table.

Without even opening he knew what it was, and this time Jungkook really surprised him. He actually filed for divorce and expects Taehyung to sign it.

Taking the envelope in his hand and take out the lighter from his drawer and burned the paper out, and then threw it in the bin, "out of sight, out of mind".

Jimin, his best friend and assistant, who actually helps him get things done, walked in, along with Taehyung's secretary, her ponytail bouncing with her each step annoying him even more.

"Arghh!" He pulled his hair, turning around, "if you're here to tell me about work, fuck off! I'm not in mood" he growled.

"Mr. Jeon's lawyer sent an envelope for you Mr. Kim", she started, and Taehyung stood up turning around, "why did you even accept the letter!"

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