Chapter 7

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"Why am I naked again ?" Jungkook pouted rubbing his eyes, then yawned as he sat back on the bed. Taehyung's face was in the opposite direction, folding his sweater and neatly placing it inside his brown travel bag, "you slept in the bathtub and refused to move, I barely pulled you out and put you to bed", he said taking more clothes, folding them like the rest of them.

Jungkook giggled, taking the boxer and shirt next to him on the bed placed by Taehyung, pulling it up on his legs while standing up straight, "I was trying to relax", he said when he noticed older wasn't enjoying what he was giggling about.

"So", he strolled around, stopping next to him, looking down at the bag, "where are we going?" Taking a shirt like Taehyung and folding it the way he likes, crisp and clean folding.

"I'm going back to Seoul" Taehyung said taking the shirt back from his hold and placing it inside before closing the zipper of it.

"Oh" Jungkook replied, "I could go back with you" he added, soft eyes searching for why older didn't book his flight as he usually does.

"You should stay. Enjoy your time and do things you came here to do", he walked towards the side table, gathering his things, putting them in a zipper bag one by one, and that's when he felt the warm arms wrapped around his torso from behind, "Tae" a soft whine, he knows what he is doing.

Taehyung tried his hardest to remove his arms away, but Jungkook pushed him on the bed, making him fall. A yelp leaving older's mouth as his back touched the scented sheets, and Jungkook sat down on his lap, "You really think you can leave without me?" He dived down into Taehyung's neck, leaving a soft peck, then he moved worked upward and reached his ear leaving gentle kisses.

Taehyung's phone rang next to Jungkook's pillow, and before older could reach it younger grabbed it, "its your mother", he said answering the call right away.

"Mom, how are you?" He asked and Taehyung kept staring at him, an arm under his head because he knew why his mother called, he was really looking forward to it.

His mother said something that made Jungkook smile, his face radiant. "Oh a party?" He asked and then his twinkling eyes looked down at Taehyung. "I'm gonna have to ask Tae" he replied playing with Taehyung's shirt button, "really?" He said again to whatever she said and older just rolled his eyes, "okay then I'll come. Promise", he then handed the phone over to older who looked annoyed but replied to whatever she was scolding him about.

Jungkook jumped out of bed right after, singing happily as he knows older is stuck with him for the weekend and if they're staying at his parents home, things might turn great for him and their relationship. Two days are more than enough for him to make older fall again in love, at least that's what he is confident about because he knows Taehyung like the back of his hand.

Brushing his teeth, then rinsing off his face he walked out to see Taehyung pulling his bag down on the floor after zipping it up, "take me with you" he said checking the closet for any clothes but older packed everything.

"No. I'm already late" he said checking his watch. But Jungkook has a new thing to bound him now, "do you want your parents to know about our divorce?"

"Maybe", older replied but Jungkook didn't acknowledge it, "you promised to keep it a secret for me, from my mother. And you know what will happen if any of your parent's guests saw us separately".

Taehyung cares about his mother, more than anything and that's why he needed to call his mother home. In her presence he can have Taehyung back. Jungkook patted his shoulder in his head for thinking smartly.

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