Chapter 4

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Aw look at this adorable edit!!


"Can you see the whole room from here ?" Jungkook asked, placing the camera between flowers vase and urn that was resting on the cabinet behind the couch. Yougyeom who had a phone in his hand looking at the footage nodded, "yes I think so".

Jungkook climbed down from the chair and placed it back on its original place, he sat down next to his best friend, taking the phone.

"Do you think I should place it on his nightstand? Closer to the bed?" He asked looking at the angle.

"Kooks! You can see the whole room from here, do you just want to keep an eye on the bed ?"

"Right", he muttered before sitting back, putting the phone in his pocket.

"Can I try that champagne?" Yogyeom asked eyeing the mini bar in the corner of the room, with a few bottles of wine, owned by Taehyung's company.

"Sure Go ahead", Jungkook said turning around until his eyes landed on the small frame, he picked it up and sat back, a smile adorned his lips when he remembered the moment they took this picture, how Taehyung squealed in happiness when he clicked the perfect moment.

His hand caressed older's face, then he placed it back on the bed in its previous position. He looked around and saw ashes and cigarette buds, "this man!" He grumbled, annoyed by the amount of cigarettes older smoked in one day.

"Yogyeom, what are you doing?" A bottle fell creating a loud noise throughout the room, "sorry! I'm sorry kook", he quickly picked it up and placed it back.

"If Taehyung would have told us in college that his father owned an alcohol company, we would have been good friends" he chuckled and Jungkook just rolled his eyes.

"Come on let's leave", younger suggested after picking up two more bottles, "what! We can drink it together in our room", he said when Jungkook gave him a look but didn't say anything.

They were about to open the door when they heard a sound from the other side, widening their eyes they both ran back and hid under the bed.

A few seconds later a lady walked in, with a cart to clean the room. Both Jungkook and Yogyeom held their hearts in their grip, keeping their breaths slow and steady.

If they got caught, not only will their secret would be out, also the hotel management would throw them all out.

That lady vacuumed the cigarette buds, made the bed which scared them a bit too much but she didn't see them before her figure retreated and cleaned the rest of the room.

Them both were starting to feel a little relaxed when the owner of the room himself walked in, before the lady could leave, "on shit" yogyeom whispered, they both were stuck now, for a long time.


Taehyung felt his headache stronger than ever as he was sitting with their guests, quickly greeting them all, they decided to go and have lunch but he excused himself and asked Jimin to bring him a medicine in his room.

When he walked inside the room, cleaning lady was leaving. He quickly came in and threw himself on the couch, placing a cushion on his head, trying to get rid of the pain.

"He can see us from there kook", Yogyeom let out in a barely audible voice and Jungkook just shushed him out. Moving very slowly to the back of the bed, not making any sound.

"Turn your phone on silent Gyeomie", he said to his friend in the same inaudible tone, while he clicked the button on his phone's side.

They both stayed in the same position until the door unlocked again and came in Jimin, "here! Take this pill", he handed it over to older.

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