" Trapped With the Enemy "

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Cold. Trapped. Pathetic. Alone...


Fuli felt some fur pushing her. "Fuli! Fuli, wake up!" She couldn't respond. But she recognized who the voice was and where it was coming from. She felt nothing but cold, and darkness, she couldn't feel anything.

Am I dead? What happened? Did I get killed? Fuli thought to herself, no, if I was killed then I wouldn't be able to think or hear...his voice.


She jolted awake at the sound of a desperate lion cub's cries. She looked beside her and saw a golden furred lion cub with orange eyes sigh in relief. "Finally, you're awake, thought you were gone..." the lion sighed.

"Aren't I the...?" Fuli muttered. The lion looked towards her to confirm her suspicions, and it was Kion. "Enemy or not I still care about everyone and everything in the Circle of Life, even though you disrespect the Circle of Life, I still care about you."

"Getting off THAT subject..." Fuli growled, getting up and shaking off the fact that Kion spoke in a kind and caring way."Where are we?!" Fuli asked looking around. "Janja kidnapped us both, the only way to escape is..." Kion trailed off.

"If we work..." Fuli hated to admit it as much as he did. "Together." The cheetah and lion both said. They were firmly glaring at each other. "I am only doing this for the well-being of myself, not for your well-being, whiskers," Fuli growled.

"Yeah, yeah, keep saying that, spots." Kion smirked. Fuli rolled her eyes and walked towards to another side of the cave. "We may need a lot of sleep." Fuli said, laying down. "Maybe we'd be a lot warmer if we slept together?" Kion offered.

"I have my own fur! Thanks." Fuli snapped. "But we're working together, remember?" Kion reminded. "Just because we're working together does not mean I have to like you." Fuli growled. "But, please, just-"

"I'm going to sleep now," Fuli groaned, looking the other way, away from Kion. "Ful-!" She pretended to not hear so she wouldn't have to answer. Kion groaned. "I hate that cheetah." Kion stated, curling up on his side of the cave.

"I hate that lion." Fuli mumbled as a comeback to the 'I hate that cheetah' remark. "Hey! I thought you were going to sleep!" Kion shouted. Fuli was already asleep by then and didn't hear Kion. He groaned and went to sleep.

Kion and Fuli: Promises and Lies Where stories live. Discover now