" Confessions "

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The pride woke up bright and early in the morning. Kion and Fuli went to the watering hole to hang out. But really, Kion had just discovered that he loved Fuli, so he plans to take the risk.

"Man, the watering hole's nice. Wanna come swim in it?" Offered Kion. "Uh...I'll pass." Said Fuli, as she was not too fond with water. Kion smirked.

 Kion smirked

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"No. Kion, no." Replied Fuli, already knowing what he was going to do, but it was too late as he already pushed her in. "AGHHHH!! KION!!!" Shouted Fuli. Kion laughed as Fuli got out of the water, shaking her entire body to get the water off.

Kion got out as well, Fuli glared at him, then smirked at him, rolling her eyes as she pushed him into the water. Kion laughed, getting out and shaking his entire body, like Fuli did, to get the water off.

"I swear, Kion, if you do that again you will have signed your death wish, regardless of royal titles." Threatened Fuli. She knew that Kion knew that she would make good on her word because no matter what title he has she will destroy him.

"Yes ma'am!" Replied Kion quickly. She smiled, walking off, away from the water and onto a rock. "So, uh, Kion, when you asked me to hang out with you, you told me you had something to tell me. What is it?" Reminded Fuli.

I COMPLETELY forgot that I was going to confess! I'm screwed. I'm COMPLETELY screwed.

"Uh... l-listen Fuli, I... wanted to talk to you about recent feelings..." this confused Fuli. "Recent feelings? Are you cheating on Rani?" Asked Fuli. "Yes." Said Kion in remorse. "Well, who's the lucky girl? Or guy." Asked Fuli.

Kion tried to find the right words to say to this beautiful cheetah. "Well...I..Uhm...I-It's kinda you?" Revealed Kion. Fuli was shocked. "Really? It's me?!" Asked Fuli. "Yeah! Do you like me back or...?" Asked Kion, ears flattened.

Fuli's confidence decreased rapidly the more she looked at him

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Fuli's confidence decreased rapidly the more she looked at him. She blushed, her gaze moved towards the floor and back at him as she struggled to find the right words to say. She didn't wanna hurt his feelings. But what was her heart saying?

"I..." She started, cursing herself for saying a word. "I... love you too." Said Fuli, and it wasn't a lie, she just had trouble finding the right words to say. They nuzzled each other but little did they know a lioness was watching them

Kion and Fuli: Promises and Lies Where stories live. Discover now