" Reluctance "

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Kion winced. "KION! You can't be serious!" Scolded Ono. "Yeah! Fuli is an enemy! Don't you remember?! She killed a baby zebra once! A BABY ZEBRA!!!" Said Bunga. "Look I know that Fuli is not exactly the nicest person in the world..."

"Don't even finish that sentence! What would your FATHER say about this?!" Asked Ono. But Beshte backed their Fiercest up. "Guys, if what Kion says is true then we should help, because we are the Lion Guard." Reminded Beshte.

"Beshte! You're on his side?!" Asked Bunga. "Yup!" Confirmed Beshte. "Thank you Beshte, but anyway, enough about that... I know Fuli hurt us all and...I know she did a lot of bad things but... she is injured and needs assistance." Pleaded Kion.

"Why should we care about her? She never cared about us!" Said Ono. "Because we're the Lion Guard, Ono! Just because the bad guys try to kill us, doesn't mean we try to kill them, we're heroes and we save Outlanders and Pride Landers alike."

Ono opened his mouth to object, and so did Bunga. But when they saw Kion and Beshte's warning glares they shut their mouths. "Fine," groaned Ono. "Fine." Added Bunga. Kion smiled. "Thanks guys." Said Kion.

"If this gets us killed I'm putting the blame on you, Kion." Established Ono, "Is that clear?" Added Ono. "Crystal." Said Kion, smirking cockily. "Good." Said Ono.

They carried Fuli to Rafiki. "Rafiki! Fuli is injured and... I'm not sure if she would make it!" Said Kion. "Hmmm... let me see the young cheetah." Said Rafiki with no rejections or anything. "You guys should take notes." Whispered Kion, smirking cockily, directing it towards Bunga and Ono.

" Whispered Kion, smirking cockily, directing it towards Bunga and Ono

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"Shut up, Kion," groaned Ono. Kion snickered. "You were right to bring her here. I can fix her up." Said Rafiki. Kion smiled brightly. "You can?!" Shouted Kion. Rafiki laughed. "Yes, young Kion, just be patient, she will be out in 2 days." Said Rafiki.

Kion smiled and walked out of the tree. He said goodbye to Bunga, Ono, and Beshte and walked towards the Pride Rock. When he got there, a certain brown lioness greeted him. "Hi there," said Rani.

Kion smiled and blushed at seeing the lioness he loved so much. "Hey my beautiful queen. How are you doing today?" Asked Kion. "Im wonderful, how are you doing my handsome prince?" Asked Rani.

"Same." Said Kion. "Hey Kion? I wanted to ask you something." Said Rani. "Yeah?" Asked Kion. "I want you to be the King of the Tree of Life! I want you to rule beside me!" Said Rani, nuzzling Kion.

"I have to pass, I'm already dealing with so much right now. Sorry Rani." Said Kion. "Okay, sorry it was out of nowhere, and I get it. You have to protect the Pride Lands." Replied Rani. "But...I still love you." Kion nuzzled Rani. "I love you too."

Kion and Rani nuzzled each other and went inside the Pride Rock den. Kion smiled when Rani curled up beside him, and he went to sleep alongside her. But he had a dream, not about Rani, but about...Fuli.

They were in Rafiki's tree. He had no control of his actions. Fuli had woke up in the dream. "Man, was the crazy monkey always like this?" Asked Fuli. "Yeah, from what I know about Rafiki he's always been like this." Said Kion.

"Why did you save me Kion? Instead of abandoning me?" Asked Fuli. "Because I care about you Fuli. Remember?" Reminded Kion. Fuli chuckled. "Yeah! I remember. Man, you are too innocent, Kion!" Replied Fuli.

Kion was weirded out. "Huh?" He asked. "Don't worry about it, whiskers." Said Fuli, smiling. He also smiled brightly. "Okay then, spots!" He said. Fuli cracked up. "I am back for another checkup, you lovebirds." Said Rafiki.

"Another checkup?! We did one seconds ago!" Said Fuli, ignoring the fact that he called them lovebirds. But Kion didn't, and blushed as red as his mane. "It's vital to make sure you make it, young cheetah."

Fuli groaned. Kion smiled at her. "Oh, don't get cocky." Hissed Fuli as Rafiki began the checkup. He laughed at her annoyance. "You get out of here, whiskers!" Shouted Fuli. He ran out, laughing as he did so.

Kion woke up, looking toward the general direction of Rafiki's tree and back at Rani who was sleeping peacefully. He smiled and went back to sleep.

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