" Heart to Heart "

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Fuli ran, and ran all across the savanna. She thought it was real. She thought... she thought all of it was real. But it wasn't. Kion lied.

Then she heard someone scream, she looked and saw she was about to run into an egret, and skidded to a stop. "Woah! Are you okay? Sorry I almost ran into you there." Said Fuli. "It's fine, I...oh, hey Fuli."

Fuli immediately recognized him the moment she saw the Mark. She rolled her eyes. "Hey, Ono." Replied Fuli. "What are you doing here...?" Asked Ono. "Just had an argument with...Kion....your leader..." answered Fuli.

"What?! Why?" Asked Ono. "Because he cheated on me with a hyena." Informed Fuli. "Doesn't Kion love you?" Asked Ono. "I thought he did!! But he's nothing but a cheater, a liar, and a...a...TRAITOR!!" Answered Fuli.

"Kion isn't like that," said Ono. "He's the reason you're even alive in the first place." This confused Fuli. "Really?" She asked. "Yeah! When he got back from the Pride Lands, he and Beshte convinced me and Bunga to trust you. He was really determined to save you." Informed Ono.

"But then why did he nuzzle the hyena? I think her name was Jasiri." Asked Fuli. "Maybe Jasiri was trying to comfort Kion. Maybe... he didn't mean to betray you and he genuinely loves you." Answered Ono.

"Ughh! I'm so stupid!" Said Fuli. "No you're not, the fact that you managed to take us all down when you were an enemy shows that you're smart and very, very fast." Comforted Ono. Fuli chuckled. "Yeah... I remember that one time I scratched your wing... how'd it feel?" Asked Fuli.

"Painful!" Replied Ono. "But it's better now. And, still, no you are not stupid." Added Ono. "Thanks, Ono. You know what? Besides Kion, I think you're my favorite Pride Lander here." Smiled Fuli.

"Thanks Fuli. That means a lot. Considering I'm the youngest of the Lion Guard, a lot of people pay more attention to Kion, Bunga, and Beshte." Replied Ono.

"Same here. At the Out Lands, Zira always pays attention to Kovu, Vitani, and even Nuka more than me! Guess we're more similar than we thought. I like you, Ono." Said Fuli. But she didn't mean that she loved Ono, just like as a friend.

"I like you too, Fuli." Agreed Ono. "I gotta go fast! Huwezi!" Said Fuli.



Weren't expecting a sweet Ono and Fuli moment? I noticed how much Fuli acts like a protective big sister to Ono whenever Bunga says something mean, and I think it's super sweet. Also... to Sonic fans, see if you can spot the Sonic The Hedgehog reference in this chapter!!
See you in chapter 11!!!

Kion and Fuli: Promises and Lies Where stories live. Discover now