" Love in the Air "

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Kion and Fuli were trying to find a way out of the Out Lands, neither of them wanted to be there but they were forced to. Janja said that they needed to get out of the cave and they did, and Kion was the only one surprised to see Scar.

"Scar?! You're back!?" Asked Kion. He looked at Fuli, who was unimpressed and unamused. "Hey, dad," hissed Fuli. Kion was shocked, looking back and forth between Scar and Fuli. "He's your..." Fuli cut him off. "Don't ask." Growled Fuli.

"Hey my...inferior daughter." Said Scar. Fuli snarled loudly. She took a step forward but Ushari stopped her. "Stop right there, you fool!" Said Ushari. Fuli stepped over his tail and she was sent face-to-face with Scar.

"Fuli!" Shouted Kion in fear and concern. He tried to go save Fuli but Ushari said, "Take one step and you'll end up like her." Kion's eyes widened as he looked at Fuli in concern. "Fuli..." he whispered in worry.

"Why....why did you capture me?" Asked Fuli. "Because Zira had enough of you, and asked me to kill you. But then Kion came along, and we decided to capture him." Explained Scar. "Now, outlanders, ATTACK!!" Yelled Scar.

"FULI!!" Said Kion as they attacked her, they injured her and she was unconscious. He got out of the blockade and finished off some hyenas. He got the jackals away from her and the vultures as well.

"Don't let them escape!!" Shouted Scar as Kion ran out of the volcano with Fuli in tow. He jumped over the river of lava and ran as fast as he could towards the border of the Pride Lands.

"Hang on, Fuli. Please..." begged Kion. He wasn't gonna lose her. Not now...

Not ever.

Kion and Fuli: Promises and Lies Where stories live. Discover now