" Fuli's Pain "

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Fuli jolted up at the sound of Rani's voice. She flinched as Rani walked up to her with blood on her face and an evil smile. Her ears flattened. "H-Hello." Muttered Fuli. She looked around - she wasn't in the Pride Lands anymore...

She was in the Out Lands.

She was in the Out Lands

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"R-Rani... How could you? Kion loved you." Said Fuli. "He loved you, well, actually...No he didn't." Said Rani. Fuli was confused. "What? Kion does love me!" Shouted Fuli.

"He didn't, he didn't love either of us! In fact he loved a hyena named Jasiri." Replied Rani. "YES HE DID LOVE ME!!! Shut up!!!" Snapped Fuli. "Really? Then go see for yourself." Growled Rani, dragging Fuli.

"Hey! Rani! Let me go!"

Hours later of Rani dragging Fuli, she saw Kion and a female hyena. "I just... can't live without Fuli." Sighed Kion. The hyena shoved him playfully. "Don't worry, Kion! Im sure you'll find her, if you don't well... I'm always an option. Me and Rani."

"Thanks Jasiri

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"Thanks Jasiri. For everything." Kion smiled and... much to Fuli's distraught, nuzzled Jasiri. Fuli's ears flattened as she stepped back. "No, no this has to be a nightmare, this has to!" She said.

"He...wouldn't do this..." cried Fuli. She broke down into tears at the sight before her. She was in pain. Rani smiled.

Kion and Fuli: Promises and Lies Where stories live. Discover now