" Reconcilation "

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In high spirits, Fuli bolted towards Pride Rock, smiling widely and cheering as she did so. It was real! It was all real! Everything between us; it was real! She thought as she cheered loudly.

She quieted down when she got to Pride Rock. "Hey, Fuli!" Greeted Kiara. "Hey, where is Kion?" Asked Fuli. "Oh, he is at the watering hole," answered Kiara. "Thanks Kiara!"

Fuli immediately knew which watering hole he was at. She bolted towards the certain watering hole and what she saw confirmed her suspicions, it was Kion, at the watering hole where they confessed their feelings for each other.

"Hey, Kion!" Kion spun his head around, hoping it was who he thought it was. "Fuli? Is that you?" Asked Kion. "It's me Kion, listen about earlier... Rani was the one who said all those things about you and Jasiri was trying to comfort you, I was foolish and I am sorry for what I said and/or did, I should've asked you about it before jumping to any conclusions, so I'm sorry."

Kion smiled brightly. "I accept your apology! I love you, Fuli." Replied Kion. "I love you too, Kion." Said Fuli. The two lovebirds stayed together for the entire day.


Kion and Fuli: Promises and Lies Where stories live. Discover now