4. "i was the one who took care of her!"

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Rafe couldn't bring himself to have lunch with Sidney and her friends. He stayed alone until after school. He had nowhere to go, so he went home.

He took the long way dreaded to actually go home, but what took longer for him was actually going inside.

Took him a couple of minutes to actually go inside, and when he did, he wished he hadn't.

Photos of Casey were gone along with half of his parents' stuff. There was a note in the fridge.

"We left, Rafael. We're never coming back." That was all the note said, but Rafe knew it was from his parents.

They left him and took all the photos of Casey and left his behind. Took everything they wanted, and they left everything else behind.

They left him behind. Rafe took a deep breath as anger overtook his body before he let out a yell and punched the fridge.

He didn't stop, the dishes that his parents left behind, he took them out and threw him, they shattered against the surface that they were thrown on.

He grabbed the photos that were left behind and destroyed them, letting out yells of anger.

It was all the anger he kept in for years. It was coming out, and it wasn't a pretty sight.

"Fuck!" He punched the wall, breaking in progress, his knuckles were cut and bloody but he didn't care. The pain was just a reminder of what a failure he was.

The pain was just a reminder that he was easy to be left behind.

"Rafe?" Rafe turned his head, slightly panting, and he saw Dewey looking at him with worried eyes, and rafe couldn't help the chuckle that escaped him.

"I have seen you more in two days than I have seen my parents in years." Rafe told him, backing up from the wall, he just punched.

"What happened in here?" Dewey questioned, glancing around at the broken shreds of glass and broken stuff.

Rafe glanced around , a small laugh escaping him. "What do you think? I broke everything in here. Can you believe my parents left?"

"What?" Dewey asked, surprised and in disbelief. "Yeah, um, they left a note," rafe told him with a small chuckle.

"We left, Rafael. We're never coming back. That's what the stupid note said. They took every photo of Casey, and they left mine behind, but there wasn't much. They took what they wanted and left what they didn't,"

"Like me, for instance. They didn't want me. They never wanted me in the first place. Did you know that when Casey was born, I was in charge of her?" Rafe questioned, scoffing, shaking his head.

"Our parents were always at work or on vacation, or sleeping with other people, I  was the one who changed Casey's diapers, I was the one who fed her, burped her , I was the one who took care of her!" Rafe kicked a chair,

"I was the one who planned every single one of her stupid birthday parties! I was the one who had to stay up at night when she was sick! I was the one who had to read like ten different kinds of books on women periods because mom couldn't bother to even tell Casey about that!" Rafe ranted and Dewey let him.

Rafe needed to get it off his chest and Dewey let him.

"I was the one who got shit on! Yelled at! Screamed at! People hated me for protecting Casey! People hated me while they loved Casey! I was the one who sacrificed everything for casey!"

"I sacrificed my childhood for her! I sacrifice making friends, sacrificed living a normal teenage life for her! Because that's what an older brother does! They sacrifice for their little silbings!"

Rafe looked at Dewey, his were full of hurt and sadness, tears welled in his eyes, but they didn't fall. They never did because rafe wouldn't let them fall.

"She chose them over me!" His voice broke, but he didn't care. "She chose the people who were barely in her life over me,"

"I had parents, but I never had a mom and a dad. I had a silbing but never really a sister. Who the fuck cares if my parents left? I didn't need them before and I sure as hell don't fucking need them now,"

"To hell with them, to hell with all them. I've been alone all my life and I don't need anybody." Rafe finished, and Dewey rushed forward, pulling Rafe into a much needed hug.

Rafe never had a hug before, but it felt nice yet overwhelming, but rafe wrapped his arms around Dewey, clenching his jacket in his hands, and he just started to sob, finally breaking down.

Dewey let him. Rafe deserved to just let it all out, and Dewey was going to be there for him, no matter what.

Rafe needed someone, and Dewey was going to be that someone.

- -

Rafe was staying with the rileys now because Dewey refused to have him leave alone and when Ms. Riley got involved, well, there was no way, rafe could say no.

So, he was Dewey's roommate for the time being. Neither of the minded sharing a room.

Tatum was thrilled to have Rafe around the house. She practically called Sidney after Dewey told her that Rafe was staying at their house for a while.

Rafe wasn't sure how to feel. He practically shut down after that breakdown of his.

He was slightly embarrassed that he cried on Dewey, but he needed that hug. He guessed his parents leaving was the final straw for him.

He didn't need to be strong anymore. There was no one left to be strong. No one left to parent and protect, no one to try and be good enough for.

Rafe lay on the floor. He didn't mind sleeping on the floor a day. He slept on worse surfaces.

"Rafe?" Dewey quietly called out his name from where he was lying on his bed, and rafe hummed in response.

"You okay sleeping on the floor?" Dewey asked, and rafe nodded before remembered the life was off.

"Yeah. It's comfortable." Rafe replied

"That's good."


Word count - 1038

Hope you enjoyed.

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