9. "Everyone's a suspect!"

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Rafe waited outside of the police station. He was waiting for Billy, but he wasn't surprised when he saw Stu walking out with Billy.

"You look like shit." Rafe spoke, causing both boys to look over at him.

"What are you doing here, Rafe?" Billy questioned with a raised eyebrow, confusion clear in his voice.

Rafe shrugged, "kinda felt bad that you were spending a night in jail when you didn't do anything," Rafe knew he did, but he couldn't let them know that he knew about them.

"So, I thought I wait and see how you were in the morning and I um..brought milkshake. Not coffee because I hate coffee and I will never buy it in my life, not even for a friend. So, banana milkshake it is, I brought one for you too, Stu, chocolate." Rafe handed both the milkshakes that both boys just noticed he was holding.

Billy smirked at him ,"You called me friend." Rafe lightly scoffed as he tucked his hands in the pockets of his jacket.

"Don't get used to it." Rafe told him, and Billy chuckled. Stu let out a small moan as he took a sip of the milkshake.

"This is really good, " Stu said, smiling at Rafe, "Thank you!"

Rafe just hummed, "I brought muffins too, but they were just so good, I kinda ate them all,"

"Let's head to school. Can't skip first period."

- -

Principle himbry sent everyone home after Sidney was attacked in the girls' bathroom. She was fine but a bit shaken up about it and the fact that she also agrued with Billy before the attack.

Rafe stayed back at the school while Sidney and Tatum had walked away, stu meeting them halfway.

Rafe was in the hallway, standing in front of the locker that used to be Casey's. There was a Vigil there for her, pictures, candles, gifts, and flowers.

"You would've hated this wrong flowers, horrible gifts, and you would've complained about the pictures," Rafe quietly spoke, crouching down . He took a picture from the locker.

He chuckled ,"God, you hated this picture," it was a picture of Casey during freshman year. She wore braces that year.

"You made every picture of you with braces disappear within a week." Rafe sighed, placing the picture back.

"I'm sorry, I failed you, Casey." Rafe stood up, " maybe if I did things differently, then maybe you wouldn't have ended up dead , I would've definitely taught you so much about horror movies."

A single tear from his eye, and he quickly wiped it away.

"Goodbye, Casey." He mumbled before he turned around and walked away, out of the school and away from the school.

As he was walking, he felt a presence behind him, and he paused, quickly turning around, and someone bumped into him, knocking their heads together.

"Fuck!" He heard a familiar voice curse, and Rafe rubbed his forehead, "Yeah, fuck, the hell was that, loomis?"

Billy tsk, "I just walking and you suddenly stopped. It wasn't my fault."

Rafe raised an eyebrow at him. "Billy, you live the other way." Billy looked surprised before it was replaced by an unreadable expression.

"I was heading to the blockbuster. It's that way, you wanna come with?" Billy questioned, and Rafe shrugged.

"Sure, whatever."

Billy and Rafe started to walk next to each other in silence for a while before Billy spoke up.

"So, you going to Stu's party tonight?" Billy questioned, and Rafe glanced at him for a brief moment.

"It's a bad idea to have a party while people are getting murdered." Rafe replied

"Safety in numbers." Billy told him with a charming smile, and Rafe's heart did a small flip, and he wanted to walk in front of a speeding car.

"I don't need protection, but I'll go since Tatum and Sidney are probably going." Rafe said as they reached the blockbuster.

"Clearly, you don't need protection." Billy mumbled, but Rafe clearly heard it, but he didn't reply.

Billy held the door open for him, and Rafe mumbled a thanks as he walked in.

Billy went off somewhere, and Rafe spotted Stu chatting with Randy. Billy had started to flirt with some girls.

Rafe rolled his eyes and headed over to the counter, taking a lollipop , unwrapping it, and putting it in his mouth.

The flavor was cherry. It made his senses tingle for a bit before they got used to the taste.

"Everyone's a suspect!" He glanced over as Randy yelled, and Stu just made a gesture that he was high to everyone who looked over.

Rafe tsk, and he walked over, shoving Randy to the side a bit, looking at the movies on the cart.

"Hey, jerk." Randy mumbled, shaking his head at Rafe.

"You accused me of murdering my sister, you deserved that shove." Rafe replied without looking at him.

Randy scoffed ,"I still say that you're the killer. I mean, come on, your sister was murdered along with her boyfriend, yet you were left alive and unharmed,"

"Then, Sidney gets attacked while you are over at her house, and you got a scratch -" "I needed stitches." "-you have a partner." Randy finished, ignoring what Rafe said.

"What's his motive?" Stu questioned, and Randy huffed, rolling his eyes ,"I said it already." He turned around, only to bump into Billy, who looked pissed.

"How do we know you're not the killer?" Billy questioned as stu came behind Randy, trapping him.

"I wouldn't hurt Sidney." Randy replied, sending a look towards Rafe, who rolled his eyes, taking the cherry lollipop from his mouth.

He passed his tongue over his lips, "I'm not the killer, Randy, and if I was, you'll be the first one I would kill because you -" He pointed the lollipop at him

"Are getting on my nerves." He put the lollipop back in his mouth, narrowing his eyes at him.

"You wonder why girls don't like you at all." With that, Rafe walked away from the three of them.

"Hey! Girls do like this me!" Randy yelled after him, but Rafe left the Blockbuster.

"See, how is that not a killer?" Randy questioned, and Billy tsk, glaring at him.

"He's not the killer."


Word count - 1037

Hope you enjoyed!

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