14. " i can't ask for help because no one wants to truly help me."

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Gale weather's knew something was off about Rafe Becker. He didn't seem like the teen from before. He was different. Something was different about him.

It was his aura. It changed, like there was something dangerous about him. Well, Gale knew that Rafe was dangerous. He took on two Ghostface.

There was just something different about Rafe, and Gale couldn't figure out what it was. She saw the look in his eyes, a look she's never seen in his eyes before.

It's why she needed to learn more about Rafe. She had a gut feeling that Rafe was bullshiting her, and she didn't know why.

There were a few people that knew about Rafe, and unfortunately, Tatum hated her, so there was no point in asking her, so, Dewey, it was.

She had asked Dewey out for lunch, and he agreed, but he was awkward as he sat in front of her.

"Why did you ask me out for lunch, Gale?" Dewey questioned, and Gale sighed.

"Rafe Becker -" Gale was cut off by Dewey ,"What about him?" Gale narrowed her eyes at him.

"Well, if you let me finish, you would know," she told him, and he stayed quiet, "I want to know everything that you know about him."

Dewey narrowed his eyes at her, "Why? So you can write about him in your next book?"

"No, just..Dewey, tell me what you know." She told him, and he sighed, "Alright, fine, but whatever I say comes out in your next book, I'm arresting you."

"Okay." Gale said, and Dewey leaned forward a bit, "Well, what do you wanna know?"

"Anything in the last year." She told him, leaning forward, both of them lowering their voices.

"A week after what Billy loomis and Stu Macher did, Rafe was put into therapy. he's been attending ever since," Dewey quietly told her,

"He was diagnosed with depression and anxiety, and.." he trailed off, "and?" Gale pushed.

"Bipolar disorder. Rafe's been taking medication, though, Tatum has been keeping tabs on him since they moved to college." Dewey said,

"Bipolar disorder? Dewey, do you think Rafe is able to kill someone?" She questioned, and Dewey shook his head in disbelief.

"What? No, Rafe isn't capable of killing anyone. He protects people, and he doesn't hurt them." Dewey told her,

"What if he's tired of being hurt? What if he finally decides that he has enough of being hurt? People snap after being hurt so much, Dewey," Gale told him, reaching out and taking his hand in hers.

"He lost his sister, his parent never cared about him, they left him behind, two of his friends tried to kill him, he's been hurt so much,"

"He told me that he knew who the killers were, Sidney's new boyfriend, Derek Feldman, and Hallie McDaniels, but there was something off about it." Gale told him

"Why tell you when he could've told the cops?" Dewey questioned, confused, "Extacly, and there was this look in his eyes, Dewey. Are you sure that he's taking his medication?"

Dewey pulled his hand away, "Rafe's not a killer. I'm sure he has his reasons." He stood up, collecting his stuff.

"Thanks for lunch."

- -

"-up!" Rafe groaned, burying his face in his pillow, "Go away, I'm sleeping." Hs mumbled.

"Rafe, come on, get up, we need to talk." It was Dewey, and Rafe lifted his head, his eyes barely open, "How'd you get in my room?"

"The door was unlocked." Dewey replied, looking through the drawers, and Rafe groaned, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

He stood up and grabbed a shirt, putting it on. He sat back on his bed, yawning.

"What are you doing?" He questioned, and Dewey looked at him, "Where's your medication?" Rafe pointed to the drawer next to him, and Dewey walked over, pulling them out.

Dewey sighed , "Why haven't you been taking your medication?" Rafe sighed,

"Look, I'm not depressed, okay? So, I don't need medication, and the other medication just makes me feel weird, alright? I don't want to take it, so I'm not taking them." Rafe told Dewey.

"You are supposed to take them Rafe, you can't just not take them. " Dewey said, and Rafe scoffed.

"It's my body, Dewey. I can take whatever i want, and I don't want to take the medication." Rafe stood up, slightly towering over Dewey.

"Are you the killer?" Dewey questioned, and rafe stared at him before tilting his head,

"Do you think I'm the killer?"

"Why did you give Gale false leads?" Dewey questioned instead of answering Rafe's question.

Rafe rolled his eyes and moved around the room, switching his shorts for jeans and putting on his boots.

"Well, for starters, I didn't give Gale false leads. Those two are Ghostface. There's a third, that's a tricky one," Rafe replied

"I'm not the killer, Dewey." Rafe told him, turning to face him.

"There's three killers?" Dewey questioned, and Rafe nodded ,"Yeah, I just haven't figured out who the other killer is yet."

"You can ask for help, Rafe." Dewey told him, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder, and Rafe stared at him.

"Yeah? Last time I asked for help, I got sent to a therapist, and I got prescribed medication that I didn't need," Rafe shrugged off Dewey's hand,

"I needed someone, Dewey. Not some fucking stranger, I needed someone and everyone just sent me away, you send me away," Rafe said, his eyes full of anger,

"I know that I have problems, but I thought maybe this time would be different because I actually thought someone could be there for me but I was wrong," Rafe continued

"So, no, I can't ask for help because no one truly wants to help me, Dewey, they just want to make me someone else's problem and I am tired, I am so fucking tired of being send away, tired of being everyone's second choice,"

"I am so tired of helping everyone else, so for once in my life, I am going to help myself! And I don't need anyone's help, now if you excuse me, I need some fucking coffee." With that Rafe walked out of his room and Dewey sighed.

"I do want to help you, kid."


Word count - 1043

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