5. "as long as the cops know that I am not the killer."

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Rafe didn't get any sleep. He couldn't sleep at all. It wasn't unusual. Rafe was used to not sleeping most nights , he would usually stay up and just sketch.

Only this time, he just laid on the floor and stared at the ceiling until the sun rose.

He was up before everyone since he never went to sleep, and he started on breakfast.

It was a habit. Rafe would always cook breakfast for Casey in the morning. Sometimes, she wouldn't eat, and other times, she would.

It was an easy breakfast, homemade waffles , and bacon and eggs.

"That's smells delicious. You know you didn't have to cook breakfast for us, I've could've done it." Ms. Riley told him, walking into the kitchen, ready for the day.

Rafe glanced at her ,"I know, but it's the least I can do for letting me stay here." Ms. Riley smiled at him.

"You can stay as long as you like." She told him before she started to help him.

Dewey and Tatum came down a few minutes later.

The small family had breakfast before Dewey decided to drive Tatum and Rafe to school.

"You are having lunch with me and friends today, Rafe, and no buts about it." Tatum told him as Dewey parked in front of the school.

"Sure." Rafe replied before he got out of the car, closing the door behind him.

"Hey, look out for him, alright? Just don't go overboard." Dewey told Tatum, who nodded.

"Obviously, I was gonna do that already. You don't have to tell me." Tatum replied before she got out of the car.

Dewey sighed before he drove off, heading to work.

"Rafe!" Tatum caught up with Rafe, hooking her arm with his. Rafe glanced down at her, but he didn't remove his arm.

"You are sticking by me. I mean, you don't have any friends, your sister is dead, and you don't have anyone to hang out with, so you are hanging out with me." Tatum told him.

"Does that mean I have to talk to your friends?" Rafe asked, dreading to talk to anyone.

"No, and if any of the boys give you any trouble, then tell me, and I will kick their asses." Tatum said, and Rafe just hummed as the two of them walked into the school.

"Tat!" Stu macher grinned, walking over, his grin turned into a smile as he spotted Rafe.

"Hey, dude, sorry about your sister." Stu said, throwing an arm over Rafe's shoulder , slightly pushing Tatum to the side.

Tatum raised an eyebrow, scoffing before she hooked her arm once again with Rafe throwing Stu a glare and a knowing look.

"How have you been?" Stu questioned, looking down at Rafe.

Rafe looked at him, but he didn't say anything. "Not much of a talker, huh?" Stu asked, and Tatum rolled her eyes.

"Leave him alone, Stu. He doesn't have to talk to you. Rafe, you don't have to talk to him at all. You can just ignore him." Tatum told Rafe, who sighed , slightly pushing Tatum and Stu off of him.

"Maybe chill with the physical touch? Both of you?" Rafe glanced between Tatum and Stu.

Stu smile faltered, his eyes becoming sad for a second before forcing the sadness away. He grinned , "Sure! Sorry about that, Billy also hates when people touch him."

Rafe noticed the change in Stu's mood. His happiness seemed forced, and Rafe slightly patted Stu on the shoulder.

"It's fine. I'm just not used to it, just no hugs." Rafe said, and Stu practically beamed at him.

"Billy doesn't like hugs either. You know you and Billy seem to have a lot in common." Stu told him, softly bumping his shoulder with Rafe's.

Rafe knew a little bit about Stu. Stu and Casey used to date until Casey decided to dump the poor sweet boy for Steve.

It wasn't like Rafe had anything against Steve, but Stu was a good boyfriend, and steve...well, Steve was just different.

Rafe knew less about Billy loomis, Stu's best friend. He's seen him around a couple of times, but mostly Billy was either getting into fights or bullying Randy meeks, which was weird since they were friends.

"Rafe is nothing like Billy," Tatum spoke up, scoffing as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Billy's the biggest asshole I've ever met, sexist too. He thinks girls can't do what boys can. He says that girls get excused this world too much that we don't get in trouble when we do something stupid,"

"Obviously, there's something wrong in that head of his. Rafe, on the other hand, isn't an asshole, isn't sexist, and he makes every girl feel special until Billy. Do you remember that one time at cheer practice?" Tatum questioned, glancing at the two boys.

"It was a super hot day, and Rafe went and brought water for Casey, but he also brought water for the rest of us." Tatum said with a smile as she remembered that day.

Rafe blinked, "it was free water because the vending machine took my dollar, and I broke it, and I just brought all the water bottles so it wouldn't seem like my fault."

Stu let out a small laugh, "So, it wasn't out the kindness of your heart?" Rafe shook his head.

"No. My heart isn't kind. Plus, neither of those girls even said thank you. They just took the water bottles." Rafe said, pausing as he saw his locker.

"What the hell?" Tatum glared at the locker.

Rafe's locker had the word "MURDERER" written on it.

"People think I killed my sister, don't let it bother you, it's not a big deal." Rafe told Tatum as he went over and opened his locker.

"Not a big deal? Everyone's calling you a murderer, which you are not." Tatum said, and Rafe sighed.

"Extacly, they don't know shit, and they just assume, let them, it's not like I've been judged all my life or called names before. Trust me," Rafe shut his locker and turned to face her.

"I've been called worse than a murderer. As long as the police know that I am not the killer, then I can handle this, and I have been handling way worse all my life."

The bell rang, and Tatum sighed ,"Fine."

"I'll walk with you to class, Rafe. We have the same class, and Tatum doesn't. So, bye-bye, Tatum." Stu said, waving before grabbing Rafe's arm and dragging him.


Word count - 1085

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