Chapter 5 - The Declaration

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I can't believe this is happening

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I can't believe this is happening. This is a nightmare! It has to be. Why is everything bad happening at the same time? I've lost my form, Daadu's health is critical and on top of all that, now I have to marry a complete stranger.

I tried talking to Mom and Dad but the situation is so unpredictable that everyone is siding with Daadu's wish. No matter how absurd all this sounds, everyone has been trying to convince me for the marriage.

I love Baba and he's the most important person in my life. I've always respected his decisions or suggestions but is this really necessary? Marrying some random girl? We're not in the 90s. Are people seriously still forcing people to get married for such a ridiculous and illogical reason?

Well they are, apparently.

I wish I could talk to Baba and explain my point of view to him but he's sleeping right now.

Things got really scary a few hours ago, we were talking then he started coughing and got breathless. Thankfully, the Doctors and nurses managed him. Right now, he's in a comparatively better state and is taking rest. I just hope everything gets better soon.

I don't know if I would be able to handle it if anything wrong happens to him. No matter what the circumstances are, I need to stay positive. He'll be alright.

I was sitting outside Daadu's room, waiting for my turn to meet him. I don't know where Mom and Dad disappeared to but Di was inside the room because they allowed only one person to stay in the room.

"Shubh!" I heard Dad call my name.

I looked up to see him and Mom at the end of the corridor. He did a gesture with his hand to call me there.

I walked towards him. I know exactly what they are going to say. The Same marriage, Last wish and good grandson discussion. We have talked about it but neither do they want to agree with me nor do I want to agree with them.

The most annoying part is that they're all older than me. I shouldn't be the one to tell them all this, they should know that marriage is not something to be rushed into.

Everyone is being emotional and to be very honest, I understand. But at the end of the day, it's me who has to marry some stranger.

Do I want to get married? NO. I'm not interested in marrying anyone at the moment. I'm 27 and it feels too soon to me. I know 27 is not that young but still, for me it is.

Shouldn't I also have a say in MY marriage? It's my life! I sound like a pathetic selfish piece of shit who can't even do this for his beloved grandfather.

I have a realisation of how bratty I'm acting but I don't know what to do. The voice in my head says that I should agree with everything for daadu but then it also says that it's my life and I'll be the one who'll have to deal with all consequences of this absurd marriage.

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