2 Grams of Compliments

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˖˚⋅𓐐 ˚₊⋅𓌉◯𓇋 ˖˚⊹ 𓎩 ‧₊˚

Arven sighed, looking at himself in the mirror as he brushed his hair.
It had been a few days since the chaotic meeting between you, but every now and then he still thought about it, and that thing you said.

"Handsome...? Me?" , he wandered.

He truly couldn't see it. His hair was a mess and the color was worse; for some reason some parts of the old black dye never fully faded. It was uneven too, and the bangs that hid his right eye made his skin greasy. The eyes itself were fine, he thought, but they had such a tired look. Not as much as some time ago, but tired nonetheless.
And god did he feel drained after all he had been through.
The more he contemplated it the more he got convinced that your compliment must've been just a joke, a throwaway comment just to make fun of him or something.

He spun around to see his partner, who layed on the floor next to his bed, dozing off as it waited for him to be done with his morning routine.

—What do you think, Mabosstiff? Am I handsome?

The dog's ears perked up when he heard his name, looking at his trainer and barking in excitement, as if agreeing with the previous statement.

—Of course you'd say that.

He pat Mabosstiff's head then walked towards the dorm's door, the pokemon following close behind.
Ever since he got better because of the Herba Mystica, they hadn't separated, not even to go to the bathroom.
Arven was so happy to have his best friend back, he really missed him, and with the recent discovery of his father's death, he really needed him by his side.

They walked through Uva's long hallways. It was still pretty early so there weren't many people around.

He was headed for the cafeteria, hoping he could borrow the kitchen for a second and prepare breakfast.
Usually he'd use the one in his dorm, but he was running low on ingredients.

He decided to cook something simple for the two of them, not wanting to take too long.

—Over here please— Mr Saguaro's voice echoed in the empty room, his footsteps along with someone else's.

Arven looked over out of curiosity as the big man's silhouette appeared through the cafeteria's door, being followed by one much smaller in comparison.

—So, where'd you want me to put this, sir?

—Delivery boy!?— Arven yelped, scaring his partner and almost dropping his scrambled eggs.

You were carrying a large box, cooking supplies and ingredients peeking from the inside.
Seems like the school was running low on those too.

—Oh! It's you!— you gave him a toothy grin, setting the box aside, the scent of food reaching your nostrils— What's cooking, good looking?

—Again!?— Arven blushed, avoiding your gaze at all cost. Otherwise, he might've believed you were ACTUALLY flirting with him (which you totally were)— So much for first impressions. Are you just trying to get a reaction out of me?

—Maybe, if it means I can see more cute expressions of yours.


—EJEM— Saguaro cleared his throat, catching your attention— Thank you for carrying that all the way up here, _____.

—¡No hay problema! I enjoyed the little chat.

—Me too. I would've liked it if you mentioned you knew Arven here tho. How did you two meet?

—Oh, um...— Arven started— We kinda, bumped into each other one time...

—'Bumped' yeah— you laughed slightly at his choice of words— I guess you could say that.

—I see... Anyway, what are you doing here Arven? You're usually not around here at this hour.

—I know, I just had nothing to eat in my room, so I thought I could make an omelette real quick...

All of a sudden your stomach growled, the sound bouncing on the walls. The student and teacher duo stared at you as you covered your face with embarrassment.

—What did you have for breakfast again?— the man asked.

—Uh... some crusty leftover bread...?

The two cooks gasped in disbelief.

—That's no appropriate meal for a young man! Arven, we're making a second omelette!


—Wait, for real? You really don't have to sir. I'm okay.

—Nonsense!— Saguaro laughed, giving you a pat on the back that made you trip forward— It's the least we could do for our trusty deliveryman!

So they did. They prepared you what you could only describe as a gourmet breakfast, at least for your mediocre standards. You were almost drooling at the sight of the veggie filled omelette with bacon on the side and a glass of freshly made oran juice. They even put a slice on the cup! So fancy!

You savoured the food, delighted with the flavor, it was nothing like what you were accustomed to at all. It had been so long since you ate anything besides wild berries and old bread. Some cheap meat if you were lucky.

—Dios, this is delicious! I feel like I could cry!

—Well of course— the teal-eyed boy crossed his arms, a confident expression on his face— Because I made it.

—WE made it, you mean— Saguaro intervened.

—A looker AND a good cook!? Wow, I'm kinda jealous now.

—Wha- pff, whatever— Arven grabbed his and Mabosstiff's dishes, and was about to leave. The Home Ec. teacher however, had other plans, stopping him midway by placing his enormous hand on the younger one's shoulder.

—Where are your manners, jovencito? Come sit with us!

—Uh, I dunno. I have things to do... and such.

—Aw, bummer— you pouted, tilting your head a little, taking another bite of your food— I was looking forward to that. Guess you gotta brighten up other people's days with your stunning presence.

—Didn't know you two were that close. I could leave you alone if you want— Mr. Saguaro twirled his moustache on one of his fingers, giving you both a look that insinuated something going on between you two.

—WE'RE NOT! I BARELY KNOW HIM!— Arven jumped, then directing himself to you— Do you this with every person you meet!?

—Nah, just the pretty ones.

—FOR ARCEUS' SAKE!— turning around to prevent you from seeing his red face, he stormed towards the cafeteria door— I'm outta here! My omelette's getting cold!

—See you around!

A wet little something touched your back. You turned to see Mabosstiff's nose, the pokemon was looking at you expectantly.

—See you too lil guy— you broke a small piece of your meal for him, scratching his ear as he leaned into your touch.


He rushed towards his trainer, turning to look at you before disappearing behind the exit.

—What a guy. So much for saving his ass, huh.


—Sorry sir.

˖˚⋅𓐐 ˚₊⋅𓌉◯𓇋 ˖˚⊹ 𓎩 ‧₊˚

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What's Cooking, Good Looking!   [ Arven x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now