12 Cups of Poison

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˖˚⋅𓐐 ˚₊⋅𓌉◯𓇋 ˖˚⊹ 𓎩 ‧₊˚


Your Rotom Phone floated in front of your face as you picked up Arven's call, your walking speed increasing.

—I'm here— his voices came out of the speaker— Are you close?

—Yeah, I'll be there in a minute.

Good, be prepared. I haven't gotten close yet, but the Titan might be roaming around, and if it finds me I'll have no choice but to battle without you.

—Don't worry, I'll find you first— you smiled to yourself, your walk turning into a jog.

—I sure hope so. So hurry up and-

You hung up, the 'call ended' message appearing on Arven's screen. He grunted, a scowl on his face.

—What the hell— he muttered, crossing his arms, irritated.

—What about the Hell?— your voice startled the blond, and he spun around on his heels to be met with your grinning face at a distance he would describe as 'way beyond too close', your noses almost touching.

He panicked at that fact, and with his sudden movements he ended up headbutting you right in the face. You raised your hand up to your mouth, holding onto your jaw as if your teeth were going to fall off.

—You sure have... a solid forehead? Haha— you joked, giving him a small smile so as to say that you were okay, but the credibility and color had already abandoned his face.

—Holy Arceus, I'm so sorry!— he rushed back to you, who had stepped back a bit, his visible eye jumping all over the place with no idea of what to concentrate on.

—Hey, it's fine! Buuut, now that I think about it... Maybe a lil' kissy could heal me all the way up?

You pointed at the reddened area near your lips, and watched as Arven's cheeks turned a bright saturated pink, and his frown made its way back.

—I'm just kidding dude— you clarified at his reaction, he turned away from you and pulling you by the sleeves, he marched in the direction of the cave were he'd found the previous Titan, Bombirdier.

—Of course you're kiddin'!— he fumed at the mouth, more upset by the fact that he couldn't regulate the heat on his face more than anything— Who on earth would take anything you say seriously anyway? I don't! Not your- your goodnight kisses and your- compliments and whatnot. I certainly don't! Not at all! HA HA HA HA HA.

You blinked, your vision locked on what you could see of the boy's red ears.

"Oh no I broke him".

—So!— he stopped abruptly, facing you again, you almost running him over with your body. You looked up at him— You brought Mudsdale this time, right?

—You got it!

—Good, good. Ahem! Let's go then!

You climbed up the rocky mountain path, heading for the cave, pokéball in hand and eyes alert.
The sizzling sound soon becoming present.

—Muddy— your partner emerged with a determined neigh. Your companion's Garganacl following suit with its own cry.

You exchanged looks with Arven, nodding, and step forward, the black snout peaking at you from higher up, only to jump down and land right in front of you, threateningly.




Your voices chanted in unison, your pokémon acting alike too and unleashing a natural disaster you probably shouldn't be standing on. The ground shook violently and cracked beneath your feet. You could barely keep your balance as you tripped over yourself.
The Salazzle whined in pain as the floor swallowed and closed on her. She crawled her way out, an attack ready. Her mouth let out a poisonous ball of filth, a Sludge Bomb, the size of it towering over you, and spat it in your direction. But your pokémon weren't the target.

Both you and Arven held onto each other, petrified and unable to run.

—MUDDY!— you called for her in desperation, covering the other boy with your arms.

The bomb made impact against the draft horse, who jumped in front of you protectively. The small explosion sent bits of poison all around, some of it landing just near you.

—Are you okay!?— you yelped, she gave you a reassuring answer, her gaze never letting go of the lizard.

The blond shufled in your arms: —GARGANACL, STONE EDGE!

The rock type obeyed, raising stony structures against the foe, but she dodged the attack gracefully. She growled at you all, and took off into the depths of the cavern.

—It's running away!— Arven alerted. You run inside before him, your pokémon close behind.

You found the Salazzle rather easily, hunched over, making a certain crunching sound.

—Don't let it eat the-

The Titan perked up, a newfound strength to it and a powerful glowing aura.


Then the one thing you feared happened.
A wave of Salandit crawled beneath the giant, worked up and ready to defend their queen.

—I'll get the little guys, you get the big girl!— he nodded at you and battle ensued again, this time more brutal and dangerous, especially for an inexperienced trainer like you.

You pushed the self taught cook out of the way of a flamethrower, and soon after, he did the same for you. You looked after each other and your pokémon, and fought shoulder to shoulder, coming really close to getting hit yourselves, until the Salazzle finally fell, and returned to its normal size, sizzling away with difficulty, its harem trailing behind.

Arven's breath was rapid and unsteady. He let out a fatigued sigh, putting his hands on his hips.

—Argh!— you cried out, one of Salandit clenched its jaw around your wrist, its teeth cutting your skin.


—L-Let go!— you struggled with the small reptile, your horse even pulling at its tail with her mouth to try and get it off of you, but to no avail.

You slammed your arm repeatedly against the wall, with frantic levels of violence, only then did the tiny creature finally give up, and run away after the rest of its kind.

You stared at your now wounded arm, air suddenly missing from your lungs. It was bleeding out of the sharp bite marks, and the skin was an unnatural shade of purple.

—Oh my god!— Arven hurried to your side, digging around his bag and practically throwing it to the ground the minute he found what he wanted, grabbing you delicately by your hand.

He sprayed a potion on the open wound, making you twitch in pain.


He bandaged up your wrist with expert care, then, before you could thank him, he shoved a pecha berry in your mouth.

—Eat that! Just in case...!

He pulled at a strand of his hair, watching you out of the corner of his eye as you bit into the fruit, a smile creeping into your lips as you chewed.

—Thank you Arvy.

—Is that your nickname for me now?

—I can call you babygirl if you'd prefer that.

—Y'know what? Arvy is fine.

˖˚⋅𓐐 ˚₊⋅𓌉◯𓇋 ˖˚⊹ 𓎩 ‧₊˚

It's raining a lot where i live and my university got flooded lol
Also i got soaked and my shoes are now dirt colored👍

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