7 Ounces of a Date

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˖˚⋅𓐐 ˚₊⋅𓌉◯𓇋 ˖˚⊹ 𓎩 ‧₊˚

—POR DIOS, THAT'S SO ROMANTIC!— Nemona stood up, slamming her hands against the luch table, making both Florian and Penny flinch. Arven, meanwhile, hid himself with his hair and hands— What else!? What happened next!?— she questioned excitedly, as if the blond's story was a movie to her.

Arven swallowed, avoiding her gaze: —He helped me carry the soil to the greenhouse and, well, 'help' is an understatement. In the time it took me to carry one bag, he carried like all the others.

—So he's stong too!? Do you know if he does boxing or something? Maybe I should fistfight him instead of pokémon battling!

—He did pull me up like I weighed less that a feather... But he didn't seem too buff so I dunno.

—Damn, I'll have to find something else then... Continue the story.

—You never stop, do ya?— he sighed, and she raised her shoulders, giving an awkward smile— So, after that... he just, said goodbye and then sort of, maybe, gave me his number...?

—Wait, what?— Penny intervened, her eyes lifting from her console for the first time— Really?

Florian looked at him expectantly, eyes shining almost as much as Nemona's.

—Yeah, here— the teal eyed boy took out his phone, opening his contact list and showing them the one saved as 'Delivery Boy'.

—You ARE gonna call him, right?— said the ponytail girl— I mean, you have to if you want to return his jacket!

Ah, the jacket. The one that rested on his lap and had commenced all of this interrogation. Who did it belong to, why did Arven have it, why was he always carrying it with him everywhere if he wasn't gonna use it... He had completely forgotten about it until he opened his backpack and found it, still wrapped around his vest. He had washed it and dried it, of course, but he didn't know how to give it back.
He knew it was just a matter of calling you and meeting up, but he couldn't work up the courage to do so.
He looked down at the piece of cloth, a tight grip forming around it, he needed something to grasp to keep his mind on earth.

—I guess so...— he sighed, setting your coat on the table and using it as a cushion. He'd started to feel lightheaded— I just- I don't know— he closed his eyes— I don't know how to talk to people.

—Well, you better figure it out— Penny said, handing him his rotom phone, a call being made showing on the screen.


—Aaand, he's picking up.


—Olá?— your voice was heard coming out of the speakers as Arven's sweaty hands kept slipping.

He finally got a proper hold of the phone, and with a slightly trembling voice, he answered: —H-Hey, _____, right? It's me, Arven!

—Oh! Arven, hi! I was wondering when you'd call. I was starting to miss your voice, you know?

A pair of loud gasps escaped Nemona and Florian.

—He's flirting with you!— she whispered excitedly next to his ear, her rival shaking Arven's shoulders like they were tring to wake him up from a dream.

—Is that Nemona?— you recognized her voice— I didn't know you guys were friends! Tell her I said hello!

Before he could do so, the battle maniac champion pushed him aside, grabbing his wrist and getting close to the phone— ¡Hola, _____! Hope you and Mudsdale are doing well!

—We are, thanks. We're on our way to drop some stuff.

—By the way! Arven wants to go out wit-

—SHUT IT!— the boy snatched his phone away from Nemona, covering the microphone with one hand. There was a long pause, all three of his friends were staring at him, quietly, watching as he turned redder and redder. Either out of anger or embarrassment. Or both.

—A tad bit aggressive, don't you think?— the red-haired spoke up, then going back to mashing the buttons on their Nintendo Switch.


Arven? You there?

Yes, hello! Um- What I wanted to say is...— he stood up and walked away from the table, wanting a moment of peace— I realized I still have your coat and uh, I was wandering when I could give it back to you.

Right now I'm heading to Area Three in the North Province, so I'm pretty far away. But I should be back on the weekend. Are you free?

—Sure, maybe I can meet you in Cascarrafa?

—Don't, I'll pick you up. Just wait for me at the gates of Mezagoza this sunday at 5. It's a date!

You hung up.

—A date.

Arven spun around on his feet, rushing back to the table.

—He said it was a date— he muttered.

—HOLY ARCEUS— Nemona jumped, she was over the moon, as if she was the one being asked out— OUR ARVEN HAS A DATE!

—It was a pretty cack-handed way to stumble into a date— the galarian added— But whatever.

—They grow up so fast!

Florian gave him a thumbs up, silently nodding in approval.

—This was a terrible idea— he rubbed his face with his hands, letting out a loud sigh.


—Excuse me?— he looked at Penny, startled by their comment.

—You're excused— seeing the other's irritated face, they rolled their eyes— Just grow a pair and go out with him. It's not that hard.

—Who're you to talk!? You barely leave your room, you shut-in pipsqueak!

—Touché, I guess— they grabbed their Eevee backpack, and with their eyes still locked onto the screen, waved the group goodbye— Speaking of, I'm heading back to my dorm. See you later.

—Oh! We better get going too— Nemona said, Florian looked at her in confusion— Don't tell me you forgot. La Primera had some tasks for us, remember?

The brunette lowered their head, sinking between his shoulders.
Sometimes they forgot they were a champion too, and that he had responsibilities that came with the title.

They said their goodbyes and took off, leaving Arven by himself.


He looked around, down at his phone, and then back at the jacket.

—What do people wear to a date...?

˖˚⋅𓐐 ˚₊⋅𓌉◯𓇋 ˖˚⊹ 𓎩 ‧₊˚

I'm injecting my headcanons into this story and no one can stop me muahahaha

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