5 Leaves of Wee- uh, Herbs

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˖˚⋅𓐐 ˚₊⋅𓌉◯𓇋 ˖˚⊹ 𓎩 ‧₊˚

You woke up to the sound of rustling leaves and clothes, and soft footsteps slowly becoming quieter, getting farther away.

You tried to see what was causing it, but your lids were so, very, heavy...
You forced them open, and your eyes wandered around the cave, barely lit up by the small campfire, which was now much smaller after burning for so long, almost completely out.
You sat in place, careful not to wake Mudsdale, yet forgetting that Mabosstiff was sleeping next to you as well until he tiredly complained about your movements. You worried you had woken him up, but he dozzed off again almost instantly.  You still apologized in a sorry whisper.

Then you turned to see his trainer. 

But, you didn't see him. Anywhere. At all. 

And what worried you the most was that Larvesta was nowhere to be seen either.

Did Arven ran away with your pokémon? There was no way, you thought. Would he abandon his partner for a weak little bug like yours? Their species were a little hard to come across, but he wouldn't just, steal him all of a sudden.
Besides, his belongins were there, so he couldn't have left. Was he the one walking around? At this hour of the night? Technically it was very early morning but still. Was he THAT much of an early bird? Going by the dog's snores, you assumed not.

You stood up, listening closely for more footsteps or rustling, creeping slowly towards the depths of the cave, feeling for your surroundings with your hands and feet as everything around turned darker and darker. Your eyes took a moment to adjust, but it was still difficult to see properly.

There was a rustle again; you followed, moving as quickly as you could while making as little noise as possible.

A faint green glow awaited for you in the distance. You could make out a silhouette in front of it. The messy hair gave their identity away, other details became clearer as well, like their bare feet as they bent down on the dirt and the folds of their dress shirt. 

You approached, looking over their shoulder, curious about the light source.

—Oh my god, is that weed!?

—WHA— you barely avoided the headbutt that was for sure to happen from Arven's startled jump, as he spun around, now facing in your direction. You were relieved to see the small bug in his arms, who gave you a happy squeal— When- Why're you here?

—Heard footsteps. Came to check. 

—Tch, I thought I was being quiet...

—You were, I'm just a light sleeper— you knelt down next to him, taking a better look at the shimmering plant on the ground— So, what are we doing with this... shiny marihuana?

—First of all, this's called Herba Mystica. Second of all, you are not smoking it, bud.

—I wasn't gonna— you looked at him, slighly offended. He let out a breathy laugh.

—Really? You seemed like the type.

—Do I also seem like your type?

—Fuck no.

—Ouch. Anyway, what's your deal with the Herba Mystica?

—They're special herbs that I'm studying over at Uva, but I ran out of samples and no matter what I do I can't grow more. My biology teacher sugested taking some soil from here as it may have some sort of special nutrients or something that the plant can't grow without.

—And you needed to do this at...— you checked your rotom phone— 2:38 in the morning?

—I couldn't sleep. And I didn't want you all up in my business.

—Bueno, que pena, now I know about it— Arven rolled his eyes and scowled— We can help you carry it if you want.

—Would you?

—Sure! I told you helping handsome guys is always a delight.

—I...! I should've seen that one coming...

—Oh and there's more where that came from. Better get used to it— you stood up and took Larvesta from Arven's arms. Your fluffy friend lovingly snuggled into your neck— Come on, Vesta will light up the path. I'll deal with this in the morning, so let's go back to sleep, yes? Some of us aren't lucky enough to look as gorgeous as you without a good night's sleep.

"I swear, this guy..." , Arven thought, covering his mouth and watching as you started to make your way back. "...He's gonna make me explode...!"

—Are you coming?— you asked as you noticed that the blond hadn't moved from his place. He was just starting at you, and despite the darkness, you could've sworn you could make out a pair of reddened cheeks.

You grinned, content that you had that effect on him, and gave him a flirty look— I can cuddle you this time.

—No! No, thanks!!

He quickly got up and caught up to you, scratching his neck and looking to the side.

—Be careful not to trip!

Arven let out an annoyed sigh, pushing past you and your live torch: —I don't need you to tell me thaAAAH!

Comically enough he tripped right as he was saying that.
Luckily you were fast enough to grab him by the forearm and prevent him from faceplanting directly into a bunch of rocks, while still holding onto Larvesta with your other hand.
You pulled him up with ease, much to his surprise, and raised an eyebrow at him.

—Not. A single. Word— he threatened, but you brushed it off.

—You good?

—Uh, yeah. I'm fine.

He was lying.

He hit his little toe and it hurt.

But he wasn't gonna tell you that.

—Okay, but if you trip again I might just have to hold your hand!

You weren't sure if your teasing was exasperating or entertaining to him, especially in a moment like that, but you couldn't help it. You were born to flirt, even if it was unsuccessful.

Whatever the case, you reignited the fire just in case, and after Arven rejected the idea of using your coat as a blanket, the two of you rested until morning.

You filled some bags with the soil surrounding the Herba Mystica, and you and Mudsdale were loading them onto the carriage while Arven prepared breakfast.

You swung one bag in with the rest, and clapped your hands to get rid of the dirt, tho the underneath of your fingernails was still nasty.

—If you get dirt all over my sandwiches I swear to Arceus...

—You don't happen to have a water type pokemon with you, do you?

—I do!— your eyes sparked as he took out his pokeball, relieved that you wouldn't have to waste your drinking water or look for a water source— Cloyster, use liquidation on this guy.


˖˚⋅𓐐 ˚₊⋅𓌉◯𓇋 ˖˚⊹ 𓎩 ‧₊˚

And that's how y/n fucking died. The end. Thank you for reading the story.

Also why tf did i choose this title format for the chapters I'm too stupid to come up with stuff for it 😭😭💀

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