13 Tablespoons of Past

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Arven knelt down, inspecting whatever was left of the Titan's mid-battle snack, while you and his partner, who was let out of his ball once the chaos was over, observed him with curiosity from a few feet behind him, pecha berry still in hand. Not for much longer tho, you loved pechas.

—Yup, it was definitely eating the Herba Mystica. Seems like it has been for a while now; there's pieces covered in poison everywhere... Half eaten, half bitten... This Salazzle's a lot sloppier than the other Titans.

—Maybe it didn't get the memo on how to be a decent Titan.

—Hmm...— he paced around, scratching his chin— You know what? That could be the case, actually. You genious!

—Uh, you're telling me there's like, secret reunions where Archeus gives power point presentations on being a Weed Guardian?— Mudsdale rolled her eyes at you.

—I take back my compliment, you're dumb as a brick— he shook his head and pushed part of his hair back, right eye still hidden— I mean that this might've been a new Titan. Fairly recent, I'd guess. We probably would have noticed it if it was roaming around back when we got stuck in the rain here, so it must've popped up sometime after that.

—I guess people would report seeing a giant pokémon, eh? I've also gone back and forth around this area multiple times, and I've never seen something like that before.

—Yeah... I should keep looking into this. It's possible that other Titans have emerged.

—I'm guessing I'm allowed to come with?

—Sure, if you and your team can keep up.

—Don't underestimate us! You haven't even seen the full party yet!

—I'm assuming they're hella strong pokémon then.

—...Underestimate us a little more!

Your nervous chuckle bounced around the stone walls, Arven's following after. Your eyes met with his as the sound died down and you were left with just smiles on both your faces. There was a moment of silence, but it wasn't awkward. Quite the opposite, it felt comforting
You couldn't look away. And honestly, you didn't want to.

His lips separated, about to talk, when black braided hair suddenly drooped down your shoulders, and a heavy weight threatened to crush your skull with the sole power of gravity.


Arven almost exploded at the sight of your horse resting her head on yours, a bored expression on her face and a neigh of equal enthusiasm, having to cover his mouth to keep his laughter in. You twirled Muddy's locks as if they were yours and gave the other guy your best douchy flirt pose and face, sucking your cheecks in and everything.

—Boa noite, loiro divino— you said exaggerating your accent, a hand on your hip— Do you come here often?

—"Good night"? It's like, 11 in the morning.

—Just play along for once, will you?

—Ha...— he twirled his hair back at you, his best attempt at mimicking the face you were making— I don't usually come to dirty caves, no. I rather hang out at local restaurants and stare at all the pretty people that are way out of my leage while I sit all on my own because no one has arrived to the meet up yet.

—Ok, ok, too real man.

—Too real? For you? The flirtiest man I've ever known?

—Believe it or not, there was a time when I was incredibly shy and secretive. But that was before I came here

—Oh, where are you from?

—I used to live in the frontier with Kalos. My... father is Kalosian and my mother is Paldean, neither wanted to move away from their home region so they settled on that. And that's were baby _____ was born! Ta-da!

—Wow, um...— he looked around, nervous to bring up your parents— So, do you speak-

—Non, je ne parle pas bien français.


—I said I don't speak french very well.

—Didn't you just say that in french?

—But I said it wrong. Probably. I think.

"Well, it's not like I can tell the difference..." , Arven rubbed his nose with his finger, a faint blush on his cheeks. "Him speaking another language is..." , he slapped himself with both hands, startling you. "No! None of that, Arven" .

You goofed around for a while, sat down and ate the blond boy's delicious sandwiches, made with some ingredients he was carrying on his oversized yellow backpack. You devoured it like an animal, as per Arven's words. But, god, it was so good you just had to share with your partner. And she seemed to enjoy it at least as much as you did, which was a LOT.

—Please be my husband, holy fuck!— you stuffed your mouth with the sandwich, eyes almost watery from how delightful every bite was. Arven, on the meanwhile, almost choked on his after your comment— How do you manage to make even a goddamn sandwich taste THIS MAJESTIC!?

He struggled to answer, coughing: —It's just- cough cough, you know, skills. Cough-

—I think this goes beyond just skill, dude. You have a gift!

—Well... Thanks...— he tried, but he couldn't hide his smile from you. You smiled aswell.

Mabosstiff walked over to you and plopped down, looking up at you. You knew what he wanted, of course. You pet the good boy just like he deserved!
And this time, his trainer didn't mind. On the contrary, he found the scene rather sweet.

—You must be the luckiest doggie in the world!— you said— Eating homemade meals from the Arceus of kitchens... I would give everything I've got to have your life. Or have Muddy share it, of course!

Teal eyes locked on you with a blank expression. Despite your happy tone of voice and appearance, something was... oddly depressing. Something he had been wondering for a while.
The words you exchanged with Mr. Saguaro some time ago resonated in his head.

He cleared his throat.

—_____, what... What do you usually eat? Are you... feeding yourself properly?

His body tensed up. He didn't know what you would answer for sure but he had a feeling he knew the answer, and as a cook, he wouldn't like said answer.
You were silent, and your hand had stopped moving along Mabosstiff's fur. You took a deep breath. You didn't like sulking. You continued petting the dog and gave the inquirer a reassuring look.

—I eat just enough! Don't worry about me, there's a lot of fruits and veggies in the wild, and I know which ones are safe and all. Muddy gets most of our rations tho, haha!


He looked away, hesitant to pry but determined to do it anyway. But before he got the chance to speak up, you phone buzzed and flew out of your pocket, floating in front of you.

—Who is it?— he asked.

—Oh, just a client. They need an urgent delivery and the couriers are all busy.

You picked up your stuff under Arven's stare.

—You're leaving right now?

—Well, yeah, they said it was urgent and I sorta need the money, so...

—I'll come with you then.

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I just logged into my spanish account and there's people asking if I'll ever come back to wattpad 😭😭😭 they have no idea i'm still here just writing a completely new fic with no traction instead of updating any of the like, four 'big' ones i have over there 💀

Favouritism is real and i'm the main perpetrator, Arven is the favorite boi

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