4 Drops of Rain

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˖˚⋅𓐐 ˚₊⋅𓌉◯𓇋 ˖˚⊹ 𓎩 ‧₊˚

The taller boy stared blankly at you as you waved at him, taking another bite from the fruit in your hand. Your Mudsdale neighed, saluting, as he started to blink rapidly, seemingly in disbelief. Mabosstiff, on the meantime, made his way to the giant horse, smelt her, then layed down beside her.

"Traitor" , Arven thought.

—What are you doing here?— he scoffed, taking off his heavy backpack and putting it on the floor— Why do you keep popping up everywhere I go?

—Dunno, fate maybe— you shrugged, Arven rolled his eyes— What, do you want me to like, leave or something?

—Oh please! That would be great!

Really, in this weather?— you raised an eyebrow— When it's pouring outside and there's mud everywhere? (No offense Muddy).


—Oh...! I get it!— you stood up, eating the last of your pecha berry, licking one of your fingers and smirking— You want to see my hair all wet! Some people find that sexy. And my shirt is white so it's gonna get all translucent and stick to my body

You ran your hands down your torso teasingly, making the long haired boy look away in discomfort. Or maybe nervousness?


—You want to see me all dirty, don't you? What a naughty mind you have.

—No, I do NOT! Cut it out with those weird things.

—Sure, but you can't deny I just made you think about it.

You sat back down and watched as his cheeks turned a light red and his expression contorted in one of annoyance and embarrassment.

—Whatever— he walked away from you, side eyeing his companion who remained unbothered, cozying up with Mudsdale.
He took off his vest and tie, and did the same with his boots and socks, he unbuttoned the first buttons of his shirt, and tried to squeeze the water out of all of his clothes, leaving the ones he'd taken off on top of some rock to let them dry.

He turned back to you, who still sat next to the two pokemon, and avoiding eye contact, sat crisscrossed in front of the three of you, arms also crossed.


—Ha... You're so gonna catch a cold— you spoke, digging through your pockets— You could probably use a warm hug.

—Wha- No- You are not hugging me, alright!?— he shook his head and put his arms in front of himself protectively— I'd rather sneeze for a day than have you touch me for a second!

—Pff, who said anything about me?— you took out a pokeball and called out your Larvesta, who looked up at you confused, awaiting for you to speak, not knowing what it was wanted for— I meant him. He's a little small but his flame body should help dry you out and keep you warm— you knelt down, petting the creature, who then rubbed onto your hand— Unless you don't like bugs?

Arven stared at your face, perplexed. He was trying to decipher that kind expression you had and whatever ulterior motives it was hiding. Was this a prank? Was there some euphemism he missed somewhere? Were you just trying to make him doubt himself? Was that it? That must've been it, right? What other reason was there?

—I'm ok with bugs...

—You heard the man, Larvesta.

The larvae nodded and waddled towards Arven. He raised the pokemon and held it in his arms and the little one made itself comfortable, nuzzling the boy's chest with his fuzzy face.

—It's warm...

—Told you so— you collected some sticks and leaves that were scattered around the cave, then set them a few feet from Arven and surrounded it with rocks— Gimme a hand, please?

Your bug peeked from Arven's grip and shot a small fireball, starting the little campfire.

—Good job!— you pet him again, hearing him squeak in excitement before taking place in front of them, leaning on your partner's side and putting your hands behind your head.

A pair of teal eyes followed your movements as their owner tried to find something to say. You met his eyes, smirking again.

—Well someone looks disappointed. Maybe you did want me to cuddle you?

—You wish, you dipshit!

—It's _____, honey. Pretty sure I've told you before— you turned on your side, facing away from him and towards Mabosstiff, who sniffed your hand before letting you pet him— What a good boy you are!

—Don't touch him! You probably have cooties or somethin'!

You stuck your tongue out and scoot closer to the dog, who happily did the same and rested his head on your lap.


—Aww, he likes me! Now I just gotta get you to do the same!— the canine barked in agreement.

—Shut up you traitor!

A giggle escaped your lips as your eyelids started to feel heavy. The warmth form both the fire and the two pokemon making you sleepy.
You yawned and waved Arven goodnight, resting your hand on Mabosstiff's hairy head, stroking the line of white fur until your eyes finally gave up.

The blond just sat there, quietly, holding the Larvesta who was also about to start snoozing.
He observed you through the flames of the fire. Your chest growing and shrinking with your steady breath and your hand slowly sliding off of Mabosstiff until it hit the ground. The dark type pokemon seemed comfy, he had unconsciously put his paw on top of your hand.

"Cute" .

He raised his view only to discover that the draft horse was observing him. She had no particular expression, as was normal for her, but Arven felt like she was trying to say something.

—Still awake?— he whispered, careful not to wake anyone up. She, obviously, didn't reply, or gesture in any way— What? What is it?

But again, nothing but a blank stare.
Muddy lowerd her neck until her head was on the floor, and, laying completely sideways, she followed after you and closed her eyes.

The boy blinked, wondering what the matter was. He looked down at the bug then up again at the empty space beside you on Mudsdale's belly.

He doubted. It was inviting but, was it okay for him to do it? Should he even do it? What if he woke up to you making fun of him for cuddling up to you? He would probably die right there and then. But the humid, rocky floor was probably gonna wreck his back...

He sighed and gave up, positioning himself carefully and slowly so as to not bother you. He still held onto Larvesta, whose body kept emanating a nice amount of heat.
He gave one more glance to his partner, and turned his back to you.

You smiled.

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