3 Portions of Stairs

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Climbing down the long set of stairs of the Academy, you rubbed you belly.

—Woo! That was one hell of a breakfast!— you covered your mouth as gas erupted through it, a quiet burp sound coming out— Man, Muddy's gonna be so jealous... Actually, will she? She doesn't eat meat so she won't care about the bacon... Do Mudsdales like oran juice?

You scratched your chin in thought, closing your eyes for a second to imagine your enormous pokemon drinking from a tiny glass cup. A funny image that was.

You chuckled, and saw her in the distance, waiting patiently by the entrance of the school grounds. But she seemed... mildly annoyed. Well, she always seemed mildly annoyed, that's just how her face looked. The entirety of the Mudsdale species had resting stern face syndrome, but you could tell by your friend's body language, and the way her weight shifted from one leg to another, the swishing of her tail, the rapid movements of her head... She was uncomfortable.

You stumbled down the steps and rushed to her side, not knowing what could possibly be bothering such a nonchalant creature.
Then you saw it. A tanned girl with a ponytail was inspecting your partner all over. Grabbing the braids of her mane, touching the solidified mud on her hooves, looking at the muscles of her hind legs and screaming at the top of her lungs about her amazement.

—¡Ey tú!— you protested, now with the same expression as the horse— Did no one teach you about boundaries?

—Oh, is she yours?—,
she smiled towards you— I'm sorry! I was just admiring your Mudsdale, it's the biggest one I've ever seen! And her mane is so well kept!

—Well, big girl here doesn't appreciate you approaching her like that. She's not fond of strangers touching her.

Her smile dropped to a preoccupied expression, and she covered her mouth with one hand: —I'm so sososo sorry! I didn't mean to, it's just- she seemed okay with it so I-

—Yeah, I get it— you sighed, brushing the horse's hair with your fingers— People seem to think that they're completely apathetic and never react to anything. And, I mean, sure they're very chill and all but... It's so frustrating to see how no one cares about their feelings. They can be very expressive if you know what signs to look for.

—Could you teach me? I mean, if you don't mind! I'm Nemona, por cierto!— she extended her hand, you shook it, a little more accepting of her now that she showed to care about your pokemon.


—I haven't heard of you before, are you knew at the Academy? Do you need a uniform? I'm the student council president, so if you need anything-

—Ah, no, I'm not. I just came by to drop some supplies.

—Oh, so you're like, a courier?

—Sort of. I'm independent. Mostly deliver things made by local farms and such from all over the region.

—¡Guau! You must travel a lot for that! Do you meet cool pokemon on the daily? Have you ever seen some new species?? Maybe a new legendary!!?

She was practically radiating light. Her excitement was palpable, it was all over the air and her orange eyes could be confused with starts with the way they shined. She'd leaned closer to you, her smile growing bigger.


Nemona was already reaching for her pokeball before you even answered. She sure loved pokemon battles, you thought. But you couldn't match her excitement.

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