Chapter 2

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Tonight is a night of many firsts.

I sit on the bed with a crying goth in my arms. Although I do my best to comfort her, I can't help but be a tad shocked at what's happening in front of me. I'm no stranger to comforting my friends, but this is something entirely different. Big, bad Jade West, who just hours ago wanted absolutely nothing to do with me, is now letting me hold her as she sobs quietly into my shoulder, seemingly stripped of her usually hard and abrasive exterior. I always knew there was more to her than she let on, but the things she's said make me realize just how emotionally battered and bruised she is. Although seeing her like this breaks my heart, it does make me feel special in some way, like I'm seeing the part of her I'm not supposed to see, the part of her that nobody's supposed to see.

As Jade begins to calm down, I stop rubbing her back and start to pull away from her, knowing how much she dislikes being touched. Much to my surprise, she puts one arm around me and pulls me back in to hold her without looking at me. I smile a little to myself, delighted at the thought of her wanting me to hug her a little longer. We sit on my bed together for a little while longer, just existing together. No fighting, no hard feelings towards each other, just Jade and I in each others' arms.

I wish she and I could have more moments like this. I don't mean this in the sense that I want her to be sad, but I wish Jade and I could have more honest moments like this instead of what we usually have. Ever since I came to Hollywood Arts, she's been exceptionally cruel to me, and having her here in my room, with her head on my shoulder, is a much-needed breath of fresh air. Right now, Jade needs a friend, and I'm more than happy to be that friend; It's all I've ever wanted since the day I met her, after all.

Suddenly, there's a knock at my door.

"Tori?" I hear my mom's voice. "Is everything okay? Can I come in?" I quickly glance at the girl next to me.

"Can she come in?" I ask. For the first time in almost 15 minutes, Jade looks at me, her eyes red and a little puffy, her makeup smudged. She shakes her head without a word and lays her head back down on my shoulder.

"Can you give us a few more minutes, please?" I address my mom, who's still standing outside.

"Of course. No worries. I'll put the rest of your food away for later," mom replies, before going back downstairs. I turn back to Jade and noticed that she's closed her eyes. Her breathing is less erratic, and she feels more relaxed. I always knew Jade was beautiful, but seeing her as she is right now, so calm, at peace, makes her indescribable. I don't dare try to pull away from her now.

"What's it like, Vega?" she asks, as she opens her eyes and looks up at me, a weary expression plastered on her face. "What's it like having a family that loves you?" I frown a little, trying to come up with a good answer that won't come across as boastful. If I'm being honest, having a family like mine is wonderful. I've got the 2 most supportive parents in the world, who love me and push me to be the best version of myself that I can be. They're invested in me and my interests, and I know without a doubt that I can run to them when things go wrong. Sure, my older sister, Trina, can be a handful, but I know she loves me too, and she's always willing to stick up for me when it really matters. I feel my chest sink as I realize that Jade doesn't have that. Instead of giving her an answer, I hug her a little tighter.

"Let's just say... it's something I can be grateful for," I reply. It's a weak answer, but a humble one nonetheless. I don't want to make Jade feel worse than she already is. She seems to accept my answer and sits up, breaking our hug.

"How're you feeling now?" I ask, softly.

"I don't know," the goth says, staring straight ahead. "On one hand, I feel so happy that someone's finally paying attention to my acting. On the other hand, just seeing you get along with your mom reminds me of the things I don't have, and-" her voice wavers, and I can tell she's trying to stop herself from bursting into tears again. I gently rub her shoulder, trying to reassure her that it's okay for her to cry again if she needs to.

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