Chapter 21 - Epilogue

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm, its incessant buzzing signifying the start of a new day. I swiftly shut it off before pulling my blankets over my shoulders and up around my neck so that I feel like a caterpillar in a cocoon. I close my eyes to try to go back to sleep, but open them as soon as I hear the sound of footsteps entering the bedroom. I sit up a little as I see my girlfriend, Tori standing next to me, a warm and comforting smile on her beautiful face as she hands me a large mug filled with the only drink that will get me through the day. She tells me she loves me and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before sitting down on her side of the bed. I close my eyes again as I take a sip of my coffee, savouring the bittersweet taste and warmth it brings to my otherwise cold body, grateful for both its existence and the person who gave it to me.

"Morning, snugglebug!" Tori says, leaning into me and resting her head on my shoulder, warming me up in ways that my coffee just can't.

"Good morning, my love," I reply, kissing her forehead. I've never been one for cutesy nicknames like 'snugglebug', but I can't bring myself to tell her to stop, knowing how happy it makes her to call me that. I lay my coffee down on my bedside table and put one arm around her, my other hand gently intertwined with hers as she lightly brushes her thumb over my knuckles. I take a deep breath and relax, content to be with the love of my life without a care in the world.

"So, is there anything in particular you want to do today?" Tori asks. "We both have the day off for once, so let's make this special!" I look up at the ceiling for a moment to collect my thoughts, trying to think of ways to make her happy.

"Well, why don't we just go with the flow?" I suggest. "Let's just do whatever we feel like doing in the moment and see where life takes us. I'm sick of making plans."

Tori and I have been dating for almost 5 years now. After graduating from Hollywood Arts, she and I moved into a decent-sized apartment together as she began to take her music career more seriously. In the meantime, I've been bouncing between a variety of minor roles on various soap operas and other daytime drama tv shows. It's nothing fancy, but it helps pay the bills. I've also been making a fair amount of cash from my play scripts, selling what I write to various local theatre companies. Both of us have been incredibly busy, and it's nice to finally have some down time and not have to think about anything.

All of that being said, there is actually something I want to do today, but I can't tell Tori what it is yet.

"That sounds like a great idea," Tori says. She gives a content sigh, snuggling into me with a relaxed expression as I drink my coffee. We sit there until I've finished my drink before getting up to take our showers and getting dressed. I make us a light breakfast before we head out to explore the city and enjoy the day together. As we get into my car, Tori puts on her sunglasses, fastens her seatbelt and opens the sunroof, basking in the warm light above us. Before I start the car, I take a moment to take her all in, the world coming to a standstill and a smile beginning to form on my face as I notice how peaceful she looks. I know we've been together for some time now, but it's little moments like these that remind me of just how lucky I am to call her mine. Suddenly, a wide, cheesy grin plasters itself onto her face as she sits up a little.

"Enjoying the view?" She asks, taking her sunglasses off for a moment to give me a happy, yet knowing look. This time, I don't look away.

"Always," I reply, reaching over to caress her cheek for a moment as I stare into her dazzling, chocolatey brown eyes. I turn on the car and we begin to drive, ready for a day of adventure and fun. We make our first stop at a bookstore to look for a novel Tori's been gushing about for months. It's the sequel to her favourite book, "The Bloodstone", and apparently, the author has just released a limited edition hardcover copy with bonus lore and some character artwork. Personally, I think the whole Bloodstone series is for dorks, but of course, I won't tell her that.

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