Chapter 8

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Out of all the people who had to show up at my doorstep, it had to be her!

Even though the prissy brunette tries to hide how anxious she is, I know fear when I see it. I pretend to lunge at her, making her flinch. I smirk at her discomfort, feeling slightly less miserable knowing that she's not having a good time.

"So, how are things between you and the boyfriend?" I ask, setting the coffee she gave me down on my dresser. "Are you guys using protection? Y'know, Beck says he's a size large, but he actually only needs a size medium, so..." My voice trails off, and my smirk turns into an evil grin as Vega's eyes widen, her jaw dropping to the floor as she realizes what I'm insinuating.

"We haven't been doing... that!" she hastily replies as her cheeks turn a bright red. "And if you must know, Beck and I are doing just fine!" I raise an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Are you sure?" I ask, to which Vega's offended look quickly turns into one of uncertainty. She looks down at the floor for a moment, trying to choose her words carefully. Her hesitation tells me everything I need to know, but I want to hear her say it out loud. I want to see her humiliated and ashamed.

"Well, maybe things aren't perfect," she starts, looking back up at me. "But we still love each other." I scoff at her answer, knowing she's trying to keep herself afloat. Her refusal to acknowledge the truth is, to put it simply, pathetic.

"Okay, if you two love each other so much, then why are you here? Why not go spend time with him instead of coming here and stinking up my room?" I ask, trying to force the words out of her. She frowns slightly, slightly offended, before looking back down at the floor. My amused smirk returns as I watch her confronting the truth, the usual sparkle of hope in her eyes slowly fading away the more she thinks about her situation.

"I came here because I wanted to talk to you and tell you I'm sorry," She says quietly.

"But why?" I ask, leaning down so that our faces are merely inches apart so that she has no choice but to look at me. I gaze into her desolate eyes, making sure to let her know that I mean business. If my tone isn't enough to convince her that I'm dead serious, this certainly does the trick. "There wouldn't be a reason for you to want to do that if things are going as well as you say they are. I'm gonna ask you one last time; Why are you here?"

"Okay, fine. Beck and I are going through a bit of a rough patch right now," she sighs in defeat. Tears form in the corner of her eyes, and she bites her lower lip to stop it from quivering. I back off a little and give her a pleased smirk, happy to finally hear her say it.

"And?" I ask smugly. "You're here to ask me for advice because you don't know how to handle him, aren't you? You think that if you apologize enough, I'll let you back into my life and help you out with your relationship problems, right? Is that what this is about?" Vega refuses to look at me. Instead, she continues to look at the floor to try and hide the fact that she's crying. Despite her pathetic efforts, I spot a tear managing to escape the corner of one of her eyes.

"Well you're not getting anything from me," I continue to gloat, crossing my arms "Now, why don't you apologize to me and get the fuck out of my house before I-"

"No, Jade, it's not like that!" Vega cuts me off. I glare at her, shocked and slightly thrown off that she would dare to do something like that at a time like this. The stupid girl takes a slow deep breath, trying to calm herself down. "I... I wanted to apologize for... for taking him away from you..." her voice trails off as she reaches up to cover her face with her hands, muffling her sobs. I raise both eyebrows in surprise, my amused smirk returning at the sight of her shame.

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