Chapter 7

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It's been about 3 months since Beck and I started dating, and things are going well. Sure, we've had our ups and downs, but what couple doesn't?

The last bell of the day rings, and I make my way to my locker to put my books away. My phone buzzes, and my heart sinks as soon as I open my messages.

Beck: Sorry baby, I can't come over tonight. Andre and I are working on our film assignment, remember? It's due tomorrow

Really?! Again?!

Me: That's okay! Have fun <3

I sigh in defeat as I hit send, putting my phone into my purse. That's the third time Beck has bailed on me this week! A small part of me wonders why I even bother inviting him anywhere anymore, but he's my boyfriend whom I love very much, and it would be mean of me to not ask at the very least. I walk out to Trina's car to wait for her so she can take me home.

"Tori! We gotta stop at the spa on the way home!" Trina hollers as she joins me "One of Foon-Yee's other clients cancelled and was able to fit me in for a last-minute foot-bleaching after school!" I groan a little, not even bothering to try to hide the fact that I'd rather be anywhere else. I don't want to go to a spa on the other side of the city; I want to go home!

"Y'know what?" I say "I'll just walk home." The weather outside is nice today, plus I've been sitting around in a classroom all day, and I could use the fresh air.

"Okay, suit yourself," Trina shrugs as she gets into her car. As I begin to walk, my mind wanders back to Beck. I look back on the past month or so, and I begin to count the number of times we've gotten together. My brows furrow in frustration a little as I try to wrap my head around the fact that we've only been able to get together outside of school a handful of times this past month.

That's... okay I guess... I mean, he IS pretty busy after all. Just because we haven't been going out as much as we used to doesn't mean he doesn't love me... right?

I continue to assess the situation, trying to tell myself that Beck and I are doing well. Somehow, the more I try to talk myself into thinking things will be okay, the more I feel like something's wrong between us, although I can't quite put my finger on what it could be. I decide to stop by the Jet Brew a few blocks from the school to grab a hazelnut latte as a little treat. After the day I've had, I could really use a pick-me-up. After I place my order, I move to a different part of the counter to wait for my drink. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I see Jade walk up to the counter. She places her order and turns to move away from the cashier. I immediately look away as soon as she spots me.

Although Jet Brew is busy with people getting out of work and going home after school, the silence between Jade and I is more deafening than the hustle and bustle around us. Ever since she caught Beck and I in the janitor's closet, she's been completely ignoring me. She won't even insult me anymore; she just avoids me altogether. I glance over at her a few times as we wait for our drinks, hoping she'll look at me, but I get nothing. Any other person would be happy to have their bully ignore them, but for some reason, Jade's ignorance leaves me feeling...

... Rejected...?

I feel myself zoning out as I think about what that means. I mean sure, I do enjoy the lack of harassment, but having Jade's attention made me feel special in a way, no matter how nasty she was to me. I think back to the first night that we worked on our script project for Sikowitz, and how she just opened up to me. I remember what she said to me about her life at home, and how she struggled so much with her feelings. My chest starts to sink as I realize that Beck was the only person who truly loved her, and now even he's gone, all because he fell in love with me. As I continue to reflect on what's happened between Jade and I over the past few months, I can't help but feel incredibly guilty, as if I took Beck away from her...

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