Chapter 20

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"Places, everyone!" Sikowitz hollers, the whole class scurrying around backstage as we prepare for our final dress rehearsal. Our teacher's play premieres tomorrow, and we've been working extra hard over the past 2 weeks to make up for a certain somebody's absence. Minor roles have been recast, backstage jobs have been reassigned, huge portions of the scripts have been rewritten, and I'll admit, there's a lot that's had to change on such short notice, but we've managed to make things work.

"Ready to go?" Jade asks, as I adjust my fake moustache.

"Only if you give me a kiss first," I say playfully, to which she rolls her eyes slightly but ultimately relents. She quickly kisses me on the lips and smiles, before I lean in and kiss her again and smile in return. One small kiss leads to another, and then another, and I soon find myself with her hand cupping the side of my face, nipping at my bottom lip as my arms wrap around her waist. My breathing grows heavier and heavier, and my brain going absolutely haywire as she presses her entire body up against mine, her kisses becoming deeper and more passionate as her hands start moving across my back and-

"Ah! There you are!" Our little moment comes to an abrupt halt as Sikowitz comes backstage to find us. "It's great that you two have finally learned to play a loving husband and wife, but I really need you to be in your places now." Jade immediately pulls away and scowls, while my face begins to heat up from embarrassment as we make our way to our places onstage.

"Aaaaaaand, action!" Our teacher yells. We run through the entire play, and as we reach the final scene, the goth and I have zero trouble with the final kiss of the play. In fact, Sikowitz has to pull us aside after rehearsal to tell us to tone it down a little, since we're supposed to show the audience a married couple in love, not, and I quote, 'grope each other'. We change out of our costumes and go to our next classes, holding each others' hands as we walk through the hallways and only letting go when we reach the stairs to the second floor.

"Meet me at my locker at lunch?" I say as I give her a peck on the cheek.

"Of course," She replies with a soft smirk. I make my way upstairs and into my math classroom, sitting down at a desk just in time for the class to begin. Now that Beck's gone, I've been able to focus more clearly on the lessons, and his absence no longer bothers me. Eventually, math ends, and lunch begins, and I find myself pinned up against my own locker with Jade's lips firmly pressed against mine, my whole body heats up as she pulls away and looks at me with pride and admiration. Just as she did with Beck, she makes it a point to anybody and everybody that I'm hers and only hers. Because of the events that took place a few weeks ago, she's been extra generous with her PDA, not only because she knows I like it when she shows me her softer side, but also to warn everyone else that, if anything is to happen to me, they'll have to deal with a very wazzed-off Jade, which is something nobody in our school is brave or stupid enough to do.

"Awe, look, they're doing it again!" I hear Cat's voice behind us. I have no clue when she appeared since I've been too fixated on the goth in front of me. Jade puts on a scowl and turns around to see the little redhead staring at us with an excited grin, and a very amused Robbie with his phone out, ready to take a couple of pics of us here at my locker, which only irritates her further.

"You better put that phone away or I'm going to rip your arm off and beat you to death with it," She hisses, making Robbie flinch. The nerd immediately does as he's told and backs off a little.

"Tori, make your girlfriend be nice to me!" He whimpers.

"In all honesty, Robbie, Jade's right, you need to stop. We really don't want you trying to take pictures of us without our permission." I reply calmly, before poking my girlfriend's shoulder. "Although I don't think we need to rip anyone's arms off today." my girlfriend rolls her eyes slightly and pretends to scoff, to which Robbie gives a sigh of relief.

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