Chapter 3

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I cannot believe that greasy brunette! Well, actually, I can, seeing how she's just a lying, slimy, egotistical maniac who wants to steal my boyfriend, but still, I can't believe it! When I had that little moment in her room last night, I really thought she wasn't as bad as everyone said she was, only to turn around and see her trying to seduce Beck at her locker first thing this morning! My boyfriend is the one good thing I have in this life, and I will not let some prissy, goody-two-shoes take that away from me!

Vega and I keep working on our project, although it's not going as smoothly as it did yesterday. Personally, I don't care how well nor unwell we're getting along. I just want to get this done and over with. Eventually, supper time rolls around, and we're just over halfway done with our script.

"Jade?" she asks. The nervousness in her voice is evident. "Would you like to stay for supper?" I can tell she doesn't really want me to stay, yet she continues to hold out and offer me a chance to be away from my house for a little while longer. Unlike yesterday though, I don't care if I have to go home, I just don't want to be here with that (and by "that", I mean Vega) any longer. Anywhere is better than here.

"No," I say, flatly. "I'll see you tomorrow." I turn to leave, not waiting for a response.

"Jade, wait!" I hear her call out, but I keep walking. I have no time or energy to deal with that prissy brunette more than I already have to. As I make my way downstairs, I see Mrs. Vega in the kitchen, making what looks like homemade pizza.

"Oh, hello Jade! Would you like to stay for supper again?" She asks.

"No thank you, I have to go," I say, only responding out of courtesy. I get to my car and throw my backpack into the back seat, practically slamming my foot down on the gas pedal to get away from her house as soon and as fast as possible. I race through Hollywood Hills, reaching my house in record time. As I turn off the car, I smirk to myself at the absurdity of this entire situation.

Who would have guessed that the day would come when I, Jade West, would actually want to be here at my own house over somewhere else?

I grab my backpack out of the back seat and make my way into the house. I'm met by nothing but the sound of the TV in the distance, telling me that my dad is home. As I go to my room, I walk by the living room to see him in his usual spot, sitting in a large, worn, leather chair. There's a glass of what I assume is his favourite whiskey sitting on the side table next to him. He's watching the news.

"Where have you been?" He asks, not even bothering to turn around to look at me. I stop dead in my tracks, as this is the most attention he's given me in days.

"Tori Vega's house," I say, flatly.

"Oh? Who's that?" Dad still doesn't look at me, not that I would expect him to.

"Just a classmate," I say. "We were paired together for an assignment and I went to her place so we could work on it." Dad doesn't say anything to me. Instead, he just stares straight ahead at the TV screen.

"You know, your future could be brighter if you didn't go to that nut-house you call a school," He speaks up after a few moments of silence. "I wanted you to go to a real highschool, like Sherwood." I sharply inhale, flaring my nostrils in disgust slightly at the mention of that school's name. Sherwood was Vega's old highschool before she came to Hollywood Arts. The thought of me attending that place and ending up just like her makes me sick. Just thinking about Vega makes me sick.

"You're still a junior," My dad continues. "There's still time for you to transfer to a real school and get some decent skills that will actually serve you in the real world." I just roll my eyes. Hearing him say these things to me is nothing new, but I'm already having a pretty shitty day, and he's not really not helping.

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