Chapter 5

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Jade drives us both back to my house back to school. We go up to my room and get ourselves settled in so we can finish our script. I sit at my desk, and Jade sits on my bed.

"So, how are we ending this?" I ask, staring at our work. "I mean, I know our characters are supposed to fall in love, but..."

"But what, Vega?" the goth asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Well... obviously we can't end this with a kiss since we're both girls, so-" I start. I don't finish my sentence, as Jade gives me a dubious look.

"And what's so wrong about kissing a girl?" She asks. "You were the one who wanted an enemies-to-lovers script in the first place, y'know."

"I know, but still..." I try to protest. Jade sits up and leans forward a little as if she's ready to pounce on top of me.

"There's nothing wrong with kissing girls, Vega." she says, staring into my soul. "I've kissed plenty of girls before, and it was no different from kissing boys. Kissing is kissing no matter who it is, y'know." I raise my eyebrows a little in surprise.

"You've kissed a girl?" I ask.

"Yep," the goth says, sitting back, a look of pride on her face. "My dad sent me to bible camp when I was 12. I met a girl there and we sneaked off to spend time together after the camp counselors put us to bed every night. We ended up kissing the last night we were there. I've never seen her since." I sit at my desk, stunned at her story. I had no idea Jade was capable of feeling anything for anyone other than Beck!

"Still, I just don't think we should end our script like that. I mean-" I start. Before I know it, Jade's gotten off of my bed and is quickly approaching me. Instead of getting the rest of my sentence out, I find Jade's mouth pressed against mine, her cool lips skillfully brushing up against my own. I would have never considered Jade to be a good kisser, but what she's doing now is certainly convincing me otherwise. To both of our surprises, I kiss back slightly, almost as if it were instinct. Our little moment only lasts a mere second, before she pulls away, but only barely. She's inches away from my face, staring me down.

"See? That wasn't so bad now, was it?" She asks, her deep green eyes putting me into a trance. I shake my head in agreement without a word. WIth that, Jade turns around to sit back down on the bed.

"So, we'll end this script with a kiss then," she says, writing her ideas down. I silently write that idea down as well, not wanting to push back any further. Jade and I eventually finalize the script and begin to rehearse a few lines. After about an hour of rehearsing, I check the time and notice that it's almost supper time. As I look at my phone, I suddenly remember that Beck wanted to talk to me about something today. I shoot him a quick text, telling him that I'll be over shortly. As I hit send, Jade gathers her belongings and gets ready to leave.

"So, same time, same place tomorrow?" she asks. "We only have 3 days until we have to perform." I nod and escort her to the front door.

"For sure," I reply. Before she goes, I place my hand on her shoulder and smile a little. "Thank you for playing nice, Jade." to my excitement, Jade's smile returns.

"And thank you for looking out for me," she replies, before turning around and making her way out to her car. I close the door behind me and go back upstairs to freshen up a little so I can be as presentable as I possibly can when I go over to Beck's. Finally, I'm ready to go, and I offer to do Trina's chores for a week in exchange for a ride to Beck's place. My sister accepts my offer and we head over to the RV. As we arrive, I tell Trina that I'll text her when I'm ready to be picked up, and I make my way to the RV's front door. As I wait for the pretty boy to appear, I fix my hair a little and use my phone as a mirror to make sure I'm still looking my best. Suddenly, the front door of the RV swings open, and Beck steps outside to greet me. He looks just as perfect as ever, his thick, long hair framing his chiseled face, those big, brown eyes looking at me with a slightly sleepy yet calm expression, his tanned skin, smooth as silk...

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