Chapter 16

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She's kissing me...

Time seems to stop as I feel her warm lips touch my forehead. Tori's always been a gentle kisser, but there seems to be more to this one. My eyes flutter shut for a second and I let my whole body relax, savouring the moment. I start to feel my face burning up beneath her hands and open my eyes as she pulls away to look at me. As I stare into those wide, dark brown eyes of hers, the only thing I see is an unfailing kindness, and it makes me want to cry all over again. Every time someone has said those kinds of words to me, they've proven time and time again that they don't really mean it, and I end up all alone. But it's different with Tori. The one thing I hated most about her is now the sole reason I know I can trust her; She never goes away.

"Tori..." I try to say her name, but it comes out as more of a whimper, a cry for help even, as I feel myself starting to shiver again. Before I know what's happening, I feel her lips on my forehead once again. Normally, I'd yell at her for even daring to try to kiss me like this, butI find it more reassuring than anything else, so I don't fight it. It doesn't take me long to stop crying again, and once I do, she stops kissing me and wipes my tears away, bringing her head down so that our foreheads are touching again.

"Hey," She whispers with a warm smile. "I'm glad we're friends." I can't help but smile back as the last of my anger melts away. The only emotion left for me to feel is something positive. It's not something I'm used to, so I'm not sure what to call it or if I should even trust it, but the way Tori's making me feel right now, with her hands on the sides of my face, her caring words, her kisses... it feels pretty damn good .

"Me too, Tori," I whisper back, keeping my hands on top of hers. "Me too." The brunette and I stay where we are for a few moments with our heads together, just staring into each other's eyes, refusing to let each other go. Just as I'd done in the car when I bought her home from Nozu, I take the time to study the shape of her wide, doe-like eyes, the details etched into her dark irises, and the way her pupils dilate as she looks into mine. I can tell she's watching me just as closely.

Eventually, Tori pulls away and puts her arms around me while I quickly check my phone for the time.

"It's just past 9 now. Do you wanna go for a short drive before I bring you back home?" I ask.

"Driving around with my wonderful friend Jade? Yes please!" Tori says, resting her head on my shoulder and letting out a happy sigh. Normally, her silliness drives me up the walls, but for some reason, when I look into those big, brown eyes and see that wide, goofy smile, I can't help but feel warm all over.

"Well, we can't go anywhere with you draped around my shoulders like this," I quip. Tori pouts as I gently move her arms off of my shoulder, but her grin returns as she sees me smiling back. I get up and sit down at my dresser to fix my makeup before grabbing my purse and car keys. The brunette stands up and quickly fixes her shirt before following me out to my car. As we pass by the living room, I hear my dad snoring as he sleeps in his chair, the tv still blaring whatever stupid show he's watching.

How pathetic.

My breaths become more shallow as I try to suppress the incoming wave of anger and hatred upon seeing this poor excuse of a "man", but all of my negativity is put to rest when a warm hand gently starts rubbing my shoulder. I look back at Tori, who gives me a reassuring smile, before I take a deep breath and keep walking towards the front door. Eventually she and I make it to my car, and we hop in and begin to drive.

We drive around Hollywood hills for about an hour, chatting about whatever comes to mind, and eventually I bring her back home.

"Hey, I had a good time tonight," Tori says as I park the car. "We should do this more often."

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