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Our girls sleepover consisted of outer banks, snacks, popcorn and light music playing in the background.

I laid with everyone since C's bed was a twin size. Katya was on the right I was in the middle with Morg while C was on the other side of her. We ate some cookies while watching OBX.

"I bet my brother is so mad we took you for this tonight." Morg said with a laugh as she ate a bit of her popcorn. I stuck some popcorn in my mouth. "He'll be fine. I'll make it up to him." I said watching the show while Katya was on her phone texting our mother.

"Hey, sis. Mama wants to know when we'll go visit her, they just got back from vacation a few hours ago." She says looking at her phone. I sighed. "We can meet up with her tomorrow, if that's okay with her. I want to enjoy this right now." I said with a small smile. (There parents went on vacation for a few weeks that's why I haven't mentioned them in this)

C squeezed my hand to comfort me since I was frowning a little bit. "How is your classes going?" I asked them as they we're watching the show. "There going pretty good actually, there's this one teacher I actually do not like with my entire heart." Morg said with a laugh. I looked over at her and gave her the look "you better spill" she laughed once again.

"His name is Mr. Clark and he just has a really bad attitude everyday. He comes in and gives everyone dirty looks like his wife divorced him." She says chuckling causing us to laugh. "Isn't that your math teacher?" C asked her and she nodded with a scared expression. "The thing is he don't even know anything. He'll tell us to do one page but doesn't explain how to do it, and sits on his phone the entire class period. But thankfully I'm passing with an 98." She said with a small smirk.

"What about you, Kat? Anything about your classes?" I asked my sister trying to talk about a subject. Katya starts laughing. "There is actually. My English teacher Mrs. Sparks, Friday she was reading a chapter from the book we started reading a week ago and she mispronounced the easiest word anyone wouldn't ever miss. The word was lucky. How do you mispronounce lucky? I mean seriously I don't understand." She says laughing starting to cry and we all just burst into laughter. Our cheeks wet from the tears.

"Okay okay. I got a question for every one of us." C said still laughing from Katya's story. We all waited for her question wiping our laughing tears left on our cheeks. "What was your guys first cuss word you said?" She asked looking around the three of us. I laughed looking at Katya while she started laughing too. "Me and Kat basically said the same word. But this was in elementary school. 3rd grade we were playing on the playground when this boy came up and took my pink sparkly sunglasses. He ran down the concrete and up one of these green slides. Katya ran up the slides and pushed him down handing me the sunglasses. I helped her down while we both basically screamed the word "asshole" I finished laughing until I couldn't breathe replaying that memory in my head. Morg and C were laughing and so was Katya.

"Oh my gosh, that's actually hilarious." C said through her laughter. "I can just see the sassyness from Katya's walk when y'all walked away." Morg said basically crying from laughing so hard. I started laughing, my stomach getting tight along with the laughs. "Okay okay, what was y'all's?" Katya asked after we all caught our breath. C looked at Morg and they chuckled. "We we're 6, in elementary. Me and Cait had the same lunch but different classes. We had a bully at the time so it was all bad. I was in the line getting my food while Cait was sitting at the tables. This girl named Amy came up to me and poured chocolate milk all over my hair. Cait didn't waist any time coming up and slightly shoving her to the ground. I got up and grabbed some green beans and smudged it all over her face calling her a bitch while Cait called her a motherfucker." Morg finished with a laugh while we all laughed at Cait.

"Let's just say we we're all bad asses. Nobody wanted to mess with us after." Katya said and we all nodded knowing it was true. "And we are still bad ass bitches." I said putting my hand in and they all put there's in after me. "1...2...3! Bad ass bitches!!" We cheered pulling our hands out.

"Okay but what I wanna know is, what the hell JJ's first cuss word was." I said with a grin. C and Morg laughed reminiscing the exact moment it happened which made me and Katya look at each other with a smirk. "Go ask him for yourself." They pointed towards his room letting us go out. Katya and I made our way into his room to find him throwing his football around listening to music.

I smiled waving at him getting his attention. He quickly took his headphones off and set his football down on the bed. "Hey, beautiful. Katya." He says hugging both of us. "Hey, J. We wanna ask you something real quick." I said quickly giving him a kiss. He held the kiss for a second before pulling away. "And that is?" He asked looking between us with his arms crossed. I looked at Katya and she nodded.

"What was ur first cuss word you said?" I asked him with a grin. He immediately laughed looking into my eyes. "Do you really wanna know?" He asked us both and we nodded quickly. He leaned against the wall while we sat on his bed. "I was in middle school, 6th grade when my best friends, at the time we had 2nd period math class together. The guys thought the math teacher was super hot, her name was Mrs. Davis. We we're taking a test in the middle of the class period when my friends suddenly went up to the board writing in all caps "JOHNATHAN JAMES MCCARTHY THINKS UR CUTE." I looked up from writing on my paper and she immediately got up reading it. She looked at me and all I said was "no the fuck I do not." And left the class going to the office to check out." He said with a laugh at the end.

I looked at Katya before laughing with her. I got up and hugged him laughing. "No way. There's no way you walked out. You left your stuff." I asked through my laughter and he nodded laughing himself. I turned to Katya to see her walking out of the room laughing. "Im going, that's too funny." She walked out and he looked down at me. "I know I know, I was a real fucking idiot walking out leaving my stuff. " he said laughing. I cupped his face making him look down at my small figure. "You are a real idiot, you know. But that's one of the reasons why I love you." I said kissing him. He chuckled into the kiss while pulling me closer.

"If this is your way of making it up to me for having a sleepover with my sisters, then that was worth it." He says against my lips. I giggled pulling away. "Speaking of that, there waiting on me. I'm gonna get back." I said making my way out. He grabbed my hand pulling me back slightly. He looked into my eyes before slowly kissing me making my hands go to his hair and his go to my back. "Don't think you're getting away from me that easy." He said into the kiss. I pulled away giggling. "I'll see you in the morning, pretty boy." I said giving him a hug to which he gladly gave back kissing my head. "I'll see you in the morning, pretty girl. I love you Y/n Y/m/n." He whispered the last part. "I love you more Johnathan James." I gave him one last kiss before walking back to C's room.

I walked back in and hopped into the bed. We all talked and had a good time for the rest of the night. We eventually fell asleep for the rest of the night. A good night i might say.


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