3. Sweet Nectar

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(Warning: explicit sexual content and smut)

"Timmy? Amelia?" I hear Elles voice coming from downstairs, which causes me to jump out of my sleep.

I look over at Timmy who's sleeping like an angel with his body draped over mine.

"Where are you guys?" Elle sings as I hear her stomp up the stairs.

My eyes widen. Obviously no one in our family is aware of the complete nature of Timothée and I's relationship. It's Taboo,me and my step brother in some type of forbidden relationship. It makes me feel uneasy to even think of the consequences if our family found out. Our parents public reputation is the most important thing to them. It means more to them than even their own kids. I jump off the bed, looking for my clothes frantically.

"Timmy!" I whine and smack his shoulder " Timothée wake up."

"Is it morning? Wanna make pancakes?" He says groggily as his eyes flutter open.

"Timothée put on some pants for god sakes, ELLE is coming upstairs!" I say through gritted teeth,while hopping into my jeans.

"Shit." Timothée snaps up.

Elle flings the door open. Thank god I'm fully clothed now. Timothée managed to put some pants on, but is still shirtless.

Elle just looks around the room confused. "What are you guys doing up here?"she asks.

"Timothée was showing me a new game on his play station." I say, while Timothée stands on the other side of the room, enjoying the awkwardness.

"Since when do you give a rat's ass about gaming?" Elle questions.

"Her boyfriend in Paris got her into it." Timothée responds slickly, as he smiles smugly at me.I roll my eyes,scoffing in his direction.

"Oh my god, he did?" Elle excitedly responds,then I see her face turn back into confusion as she notices something on the floor.

Oh shit, its my underwear.

"Um, Timothée what the fuck is that?" Elle asks disturbed, pointing to my underwear on the floor.

Timothée scratches his head nervously. "What?" he responds, playing dumb.

"The pink underwear on your floor?"she persists

Since Timothée is gonna mess with me and bring up Ansel, I'm gonna mess with him back.

"Tell her Timmy!" I tease. Timothee just looks at me dumb founded, scrunching his eyebrows together in confusion. "Timmy has been bringing girls over and hooking up with them while you're not home Elle, he was bragging all about it to me when you were dress shopping with mom." I lie while holding in my laughter, as I look over at a very unamused Timothée.

"Okay first off, ew Timothée" Elle says, making a grossed out face "but honestly..I'm not surprised. I heard you and multiple girls hooking up several times over the summer." Elle continues as she cringes at the thought.

I felt like I just got punched in the gut.Did she really just say multiple girls? And Timothée really had the audacity to make me feel bad about Ansel? What an asshole. Timothée catches my gaze and I try to compose myself. His face is screaming remorse.

I look at him blanky. "On that note, I'm gonna go throw up and then go back to bed..jet lag." I say with a fake humorous tone towards Elle. Timothée looks at me frantically, before I slam his door behind me.

Forbidden Fruit •Timothee Chalamet (Stepbrother)Where stories live. Discover now