(Warning:Drug abuse, and addiction)
There's a heaviness in my chest that I've never felt before.The anguish swims through me,making it hard to think straight.
It feels like a jagged piece of shattered glass to my heart when I wrap my head around the fact that I begged Timothée not to leave..but he still left.
Timothée has always been my other half and I start to feel like the world is blurring around me as I sit on the couch, embarrassed and without him.
And at this point not even knowing where he is,is eating me alive.
"Amelia? You haven't said a word and have been staring into space for the last hour. Are you okay?" Jacob sits beside me, handing me a glass of water with a concerned look on his face.
No.I'm not.I always said Timothée and I are codependent on each other..but it cuts like a knife to say...I think I need him more than he needs me.
"Jacob..I told you,you can leave. I can take care of myself." I mutter, placing my hand on my face in exhaustion.
"Hey.." He puts his hand on my shoulder, "I'm not leaving. I know I'm not Timothee and I don't know you in all the ways he does but I'm not going to leave you alone when your obviously hurt."
I give him glimpse of a sad smile, and feel him pull my body to his, as he puts his arm around me.I lay my head on his shoulder for a moment and as comforting as it is, I can't fight off this horrible feeling I feel in the pit of my stomach.
I have to go find Timothée.
"I have to go find him. I need to know where he is!" I snap up frantically from my seat, and pull my cell phone out of my pocket.
"How are you going to do that?" His eyebrows pull together in confusion.
"I'm going to call his best friend Josh. He will know..."I bite my finger nails anxiously, as I dial josh's number.
"Mia..Do you really think this as a good idea?" Jacob shakes his head slightly.
"Shh!" I place my finger up as the line rings. Jacob leans his body back on the couch, and he lets out a loud exhale.
"Josh! It's Mia.Timothée's Dads home and he was supposed to be here for dinner..he isn't picking up his phone.You know how his Dad is..if he doesn't come home in time for dinner he's screwed. Do you know where he's at?" I ask deceitfully,biting my lip.
Jacob widens his eyes,shocked by my blatant lie.
"He might be at Sebastian's? Okay..Thanks." I hang up, slowly bringing the phone down from my ear in complete confusion.
Why would Timothée be at Sebastian Lee's house? Everyone knows he is a notorious drug dealer. He is bad news.
I feel a rush of adrenaline take over my body.What the hell is Timothée doing there?
"I'm going to go figure out what the fuck is going on.." I walk over to the table to pick up my car keys.
"Woah, Woah.Hold on. I'm coming with you." Jacob rushes behind me.
"I don't think it's a good idea for us to go together.."
"There's NO way I'm letting you go to that druggie Sebastian's house alone!" He says sternly, his tone making it clear this isn't up for debate.
I hesitate before caving, "Fine." I roll my eyes before walking out the door with Jacob by my side.
"I could have driven us!" I point out as we slowly approach Sebastian's house.

Forbidden Fruit •Timothee Chalamet (Stepbrother)
FanfictionTimothee and Amelia are step siblings in this twisted tale of forbidden love. Their family may look perfect on the surface but looks can be deceiving as the two fight to navigate their confusing relationship in this angsty dark story. WARNING:this s...