37. Bender

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(Warning:Drug use, drinking,abuse.)

                                                                 (Timothée's pov)

I watch Amelia slam the door behind her,and I don't know if it's ever been harder for me to think straight.I've done a lot of horrible things that I'm not proud of,but this time I know it's different. I could tell by the look in her eyes before she left with that piece of shit,Ansel. I really have outdone myself this time.I run my fingers through my hair and try to swallow the growing lump in my throat.

"Timothée, you're just going to let her leave like that? You're not going to go after her?" Jacob looks at me, narrowing his eyes.

He can barely hide his anger and I can tell he's wondering why I'm not fighting harder for her like I always have. I know he's confused as to how I'm not in the car already,and chasing her down like I would normally do.

I take in a shallow breath, "I don't think you get it! I really fucked up this time. Even if I go after her, she won't even come near me."

"So you're just going to give up and let her run off with that creep? Something isn't right about him. He's up to no good, I can just feel it!" Jacob shouts towards me as if he's trying to get through to me.

I already know Ansel isn't safe for Amelia to be around. I could tell just by looking at him tonight. There's something seriously off about him. I feel stuck. I can't tolerate the thought of the only woman I have ever loved to be alone with some monster, but I know if I go after her now, I might lose her forever.

She's mad at me, so she will pull him closer to her. Amelia always points out how I have a tendency to be manipulative,but with that comes the ability for me to spot someone who's also a manipulator.I could honestly say that within a couple minutes of a conversation with him, I could tell that Ansel is a skillful manipulator.

"Timothée! Jacob is completely right. Amelia isn't in the right frame of mind. I'm afraid of what she's going to do! You both need to go find her and bring her and bring her back home!" Elle raises her voice,but she sounds afraid.

"You two just don't fucking get it,do you?" I snap at them. "I got her BEST FRIEND pregnant,alright? You guy's don't know Amelia like I do so stop trying to give me advice on how TO HANDLE THIS!"

If I know anything about Amelia. This will be her revenge tour. She won't give up until she makes me feel every ounce of pain that I caused her right now.

And I'll just watch and take it.

Because I deserve it.I did this to us.I screwed everything up.

"Timothée?" I hear Jessica say weakly while she stands infront of the guest room, gripping her stomach.

"Jessica,You should go back to bed. You're not in any condition to be walking around right now." I say to her in a stern voice.

As my eyes make my way to hers,I can't help but feel sorry for her. Even if I don't love her,She was just carrying my baby.

"Could you at least come sit in the room with me for a little. I don't want to be alone right now." She looks down.

"Okay." I sigh and walk towards her,helping her walk in the room.

I help her back on the bed,and sit next to her on a chair beside the bed. I feel her eyes on me, and I can tell she has something she wants to say,so I just look at her,waiting for her to finally say whatever is on her mind.

"You've loved Amelia all a long?" she says it as if it's a question and a statement at the same time.

I shrug my shoulders gently. "If you want me to be honest with you right now. Yes." I say, as I press my lips together.

Forbidden Fruit •Timothee Chalamet (Stepbrother)Where stories live. Discover now