Chapter 3

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Jeremiah was getting ready for his next client. He would going to her place of employment in the Lust ring. He had never been to Lust or any other rings for that matter. If Stolas had him worried then he is a bit scared of Asmodeus whom he doesn't know much about aside from her being the queen of Lust as well as being a queen in the arce Goetia. He swallowed at that and patently waited for the elevator to make it to his stop.

Jeremiah (mind):It's ok, I'll be ok and this isn't the end of the world

He hears that the lust ring is like a sex city with more sex clubs and such than the pride ring itself which is pretty shocking to say the least. He made it to the lust ring as he walked out of the elevator station where he sees a car waiting for him along with an Imp with wings standing waiting with a sign for him.

Imp:Are you Dr. Crane? *he said as he walked up to Jeremiah*

Jeremiah:Yes that is me nice to meet you uh? *he said asking for his name*

Jessie:Jessie, now come with me

Jeremiah nodded and got in the limo. Later they arrived at the address where there was a demon is waiting. The demon being the queen of Lust Asmodeus herself.

Jeremiah:Oh hello your majesty *he said bowing his head to her*

Asmodeus:Come now cutie no need to be formal, I plan to show you a good time. Why don't you have a drink? *she said handing him a glass of wine*

Jeremiah:Sorry but I really do not drink all that often, especially on the job with clients

Asmodeus: *the two faces on the sides frown at that* Oh come on you could do it for me can't you?~ *she said leaning closer*

Her voice is sinful and she is basically the embodiment of sex on her legs.

Jeremiah:I...suppose not... *he said as he took small sips of his drink*

Asmodeus:Now you are far cuter and sexier than your photos online showed *she said making him blush*

Jeremiah:Thank you but Asmodeus-

Ozzie:Call me Ozzie dear

Jeremiah:Ozzie...I am here to evaluate you not do whatever this is

Asmodeus:And what do you think it is baby doll?~ *she teases* Tell me what you think I am doing?~

Jeremiah: *he blushed more and tries to brush it off* Let's focus on this please? *he presses and she pouts*

Asmodeus:Alright...for now

She said and Jeremiah nods as well starting the interview.

He has no idea what Asmodeus is playing at but it makes him nervous. Also her voice is so sinful it makes his legs weak but lucky that he remained calm.

Asmodeus (mind):Dr. Jeremiah Crane is something else, Fizz and I thought it would be fun to rate him before we met him. When we saw his photo online we both were down bad for him he is so stunningly handsome. Meeting him in real life it just makes me want him all the more and I know Fizzy feel the same too and I can't wait to bring him home with me~. I know I will play it right and I bet this stud has plenty of lovers

Jeremiah: *closing his notebook* Well it looks like you're all set *he said looking up at her* Do you mind having your driver drop me off?

Asmodeus:Oh why rush things my dear?~ Why not take a load off me? We're going my club and we are going to spend time together then I'll personally take you home

Jeremiah looked at her puzzled and was about to say something but didn't because he knew he was in no place to make demands and wasn't gonna risk dying again so soon

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