Chapter 9

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Jeremiah was seen walking down the streets as it was one of his rare days off from his work. He had fliers in his hands as he is seen putting them up on various walls or other objects he can post them on. The fliers in question were advertising the Hazbin Hotel. It advertised it as aiming to help redeemed sinners so that their souls can be transferred up into heaven. A noble and hopeful goal Jeremiah is very skeptical about, especially with what Vaggie told him after he confronted her about being a former exorcist. In addition of David telling him and the others about his encounter with a trio of cherubs from heaven, he told them how they were going out of their way to protect a horrible man that would experiment on those less fortunate than him. He later returned to the one area he was just at and noticed the fliers that he posted there, he found to be already graffitied over with various vulgar stuff.

Jeremiah:How charming...

He proceeded to replaced the graffitied posters with new ones before moving on to the next street. As he did he seems deep in thought about this whole redemption thing reflecting weather it can work and that sinners can be redeemed. He believes that it can be possible but not for everyone since there are people down here that are absolute scum and that they belong here without question, people like Vox and Valentino they've done their own fair share of horrible things but one thing they have in common is selfishness and that they only think about themselves only and are only out for themselves. While they are both business partners and boyfriends he knows that at some point one will betray the other if they have anything to gain out of it for their own benefit without giving a second thought. However his deep thinking was interrupted as he collided with something or rather someone as the fliers flew out of his hands from the collision. A sound of a woman yelp from this as it was a suprise to her.


Jeremiah looked up and saw a really tall woman that he bumped into, not only that he literally walked face first into her ass.

Jeremiah looked up and saw a really tall woman that he bumped into, not only that he literally walked face first into her ass

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An embarrassing flush of red onto his cheeks before franticly backing away and apologized profusely for this.

Jeremiah:Oh gosh, ma'am. I'm so sorry for that my mind was somewhere else and I wasn't paying attention to what was in front of me, I promise this wasn't intentional at all

During his apologetic rambling the large woman turned around to see who felt her up. And to her suprise she peered down at the culprit who peered right back. Their eyes met and immediately Jeremiah realized the grave mistake he just did.

Jeremiah:Missi Zilla!

The large woman was Missi Zilla, the large kaiju Overlord. Monstrous in form and also monstrous in her tactics. Her entire persona matched her appearance. Intimidating and fearing to those that come upon her.

 Intimidating and fearing to those that come upon her

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