Chapter 10

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It opens on Carmella in her office at her desk doing her usual paper work as she looks very stressed. She then looked at another part of her desk as she sees Jeremiah's business card remembering how much he help revealed a bit of her stress in their first session. She tapped her sharp and piercing fingers on her desk thinking of possible asking him out for a friendly outing without worrying about their respective jobs. She picked up her phone as she dialed Jeremiah's number in it before hitting call. It then cut to Jeremiah in his office in the hotel as he looked through the files he had about both the clients he had seen or haven't seen yet, then his phone rings as he picked it up and answered not seeing the number of the person calling.

Jeremiah:Hello, Dr. Jeremiah Carne

Carmella:Hello Jeremiah it's Carmella

Jeremiah:Oh hello Ms. Carmine

Carmella:Please no need for the Miss, just Carmella is fine

Jeremiah:Ok Carmella, how can I help you?

Carmella:Well I perhaps more wondering if you would like to accompany me


Carmella:All this business has taken it's toll on my time to enjoy myself and I'm sure it's the same for you, Mayhaps you'd like to joining me in getting something to eat?

Jeremiah:Are you asking me out?

Carmella:I guess you can say that, plus wouldn't it be beneficial for me to get to know my therapist better outside of these therapy sessions?

Jeremiah:Hmm perhaps you're right and I have been working a lot lately, what the heck I accept

Carmella felt her heart fill up with joy that he accepted. She had feared that he would be all business and no pleasure.

Carmella:Excellent! I know a perfect place where we can talk and enjoy ourselves I'll send you the address

Jeremiah:Alright I'll see you there

They both hung up. Later on at the restaurant Jeremiah had arrived there first as he waited out front. After a while Carmella arrived there as well.

Carmella:Jeremiah I'm so glad you could make

Jeremiah:Of course I'm not one to stand anyone up

Carmella:Lovely, shall we then? *she said offering her arm*

As Jeremiah stood there awkwardly confused on what to do next.

Carmella:Well you aren't going to keep my arm waiting are you?

Jeremiah:O...oh I'm sorry, I uh...never really done something like this before

Awkwardly Jeremiah bring his arm and wrapped it around Carmella's. Making sure to watch out for her dagger like fingers. They both entered the restaurant together with Jeremiah opening the door for them, as they were making their way to their table Carmella could feel Jeremiah's arm shaking just a bit. And she knew right away that it wasn't from fear considering the power differences.

Carmella (mind):Is he shy?

She glanced over to Jeremiah's face which shows a timid and adorable expression which clearly indicated how he was feeling about being so close to Carmella. She even noticed that it looked like he was sweating a little from the small gesture of them being arm in arm.

Carmella (mind):That is so precious

Carmella smiled to herself at how shy and adorable Jeremiah was acting when having his arm wrapped with hers. She found it even more humorous considering that during their first meeting he was calm and collected, not to mention he was willing to open up to her about his past that he haven't told anyone. Whereas this moment was purely a situation of wanting and not needing.

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