Chapter 7

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It opens on Jeremiah walking through the cannibal callony as he was wearing a 1920s suit courtesy of Alistra knowing full well that they'd eat him alive if he showed up in his regular clothes.

It opens on Jeremiah walking through the cannibal callony as he was wearing a 1920s suit courtesy of Alistra knowing full well that they'd eat him alive if he showed up in his regular clothes

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He later arrived at the address given to him by Alistra as he looked up to see it was an emporium that Rosie own.

Jeremiah: not bad

He then entered the shop.

Jeremiah:Miss Rosie?

???:I'll be there in a minute

Jeremiah: ok

Soon enough she walked out.

Rosie:Oh hello you must be the doctor Alistra mentioned

Jeremiah: yes I am, Dr. Jeremiah Crane is my name, on the request of Lucifer I must evaluate you

Rosie: of course

Jeremiah:May we go somewhere more private and talk

Rosie: sure

They both walked off and entered her office.

Rosie:May I say you look quiet dashing in that get up

Jeremiah:Why thank you it was given to me by Alistra I wasn't willing to risk getting eaten alive by a group of psychotic cannibals... no offense

Rosie: thanks think that was a complaint?

Rosie: yes

Jeremiah:Well that's...unexpected

Rosie: clearly

Jeremiah:Anyway let's begin with telling me a bit about yourself

Rosie: i'm the head of the colony and i love cooking and classical musics

Jeremiah:Ok then, when did you opened this place?

Rosie: oh maybe in the 70s, both me and my partner Franklin opened it together

Jeremiah: where is she now

Rosie:I'm afraid she's no longer with us

Jeremiah: oh why?

Rosie:She died in the extermination last week

Jeremiah: I'm sorry

Rosie:Eh you get used to it after it happening for decades

Jeremiah:....uh huh... anyway do you actually like what you do

Rosie:Of course I do and I wouldn't change a thing

Jeremiah:ok then *he said as he wrote down on his notebook*

Rosie:You know Alistra talk about you a lot

Jeremiah: is that so

Rosie:Yes and if I didn't know any better it seems she is very fond of you

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