Chapter 8

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It opens on Jeremiah with a coffee in hand as well as some leftover venison he got from Alistra, he was walking towards the Vox tech headquarters for his session with Vox as he sighs.

Jeremiah:Oh boy interviewing a ego maniac that love to hypnotist people my favorite. Not to mention him having a strange obsession with Alistra this'll be fun when he learns that I'm staying at the same place she is staying at

He then enters the building as he walked over to the receptionist.

Receptionist:Hello how can I help you?

Jeremiah:I'm Dr. Crane I'm here my appointment with Mr. Vox

Receptionist:Oh yes you're just in time come with me *she said as she stood up and walked off*

Jeremiah followed the receptionist. Meanwhile Vox was sitting in his office as he awaits Jeremiah, he then heard his  receptionist buzzed in.

Receptionist:Mr. Vox, Dr. Crane is here for your appointment

Vox:Send him up

He fixed his suit and making sure there are no smudges on his screen face as to look more presentable. He then heard a knock on his door and he goes to open it and on the other side was Jeremiah.

Vox:Ah you must be the therapist huh

Jeremiah:yes, I'm Dr. Jeremiah Carne

Vox:Perfect come in

He said as Jeremiah walked into his office and took a seat in front of his desk.

Vox:So I hope you do not mind but I ordered us lunch from hell burger

Jeremiah:Oh no thank you I have some venison Alistra gave me-

Vox sees the container and he snatched it away from Jeremiah.

Vox:Hah, You don't want none of that, hell burger is top notch I assure you

Jeremiah:Uh...I suppose I could have a burger, after all I'm not one for wasting food. Anyway let's begin shall we?

Vox:Of course

They for a moment, it was more or less similar to Jeremiah's session with his sister Voxxan all be it more selfish and talking about himself while saying his sister has no vision nor making a profit. It easily show the contrast between the two siblings with Vox caring more about profit while Voxxan cares more about the people.

Vox:And then there is that tiny bitch Alistra! *he said slamming his fist on the table* She was gone for seven years! She should have stayed gone and the rest of her family along with it! Speaking of which what did you and they have talked about

Jeremiah: *he sighs* Vox I'm aware that you know I cannot share that with you, just like I cannot talk about what we talk about with anyone else

Vox:Oh come you can trust me *he said as he tried his hypnotist trick*

Jeremiah:Uh what are you trying to do?

Vox:What? How is that possible!?

Jeremiah:I have psychic powers and one of the perks is that I'm immune to any type of mind control

Vox looks at Jeremiah telling that he won't budge.

Vox:Hmm, alright let's enjoy lunch then

He said as Jeremiah was finishing up with writing his notes before they ate their lunch, all the while Jeremiah sneakily took back the container of venison and hide it in his coat. Later their time was up as Jeremiah was seen packing his stuff up.

Vox:So what do you deem me as?

Jeremiah:You have ADHA which causes a lot of the impulse issues you have psychotic obsessive tendencies to Alistra, almost similar to OCD. You literally ranted about her and her family for half an hour stright. You most likely through yourself into work especially when you have a manic episode. Which is very fruitful but the crashes must have you in a bad way, sleeping for days. Going from one manic episode to the crashing and then to another manic episode. Other than that you manage your self care and daily routine very well. So I say get some ADHD medication and work on skill building, the only big issue is your obsession with Alistra. Even your relationship with Valentino is healthier than that

Vox (mind):Well talk about being called out *out loud* So this means I will have to see you again?

Jeremiah:If you wish to work through your issues with Alistra or manage skills than yes *mind* which I highly doubt

Vox:Very well I'll have my secretary to get us a dinner appointment next

Jeremiah:Alright *he said as he stood up* and if you need to see me again much sooner here is my card *he said handing Vox his business card*

He said as he walked out of the office.

Vox:Tch. I'm not obsessed with that fucking fossil Alistra. I just hate her with my entire soul!

Later it showed Jeremiah as he was now walking towards Porn Studio for his next session with Valentino.

Jeremiah:Ugh now time for the so call pimp prince of pride that is a major simp and uses his "authority" to be able to have sex with women he knows he has no chance with, also my favorite

He entered the studio as he walked towards a pair of doors and as he did a pair of female moth demons opened the door for Jeremiah as he entered. He then sees a similar looking room in Valentina's room in the Vees tower and like before there a large red clowd at the couches and as it cleared it revealed Valentino.

Valentino:Oh you must be the doctor they said was coming

Jeremiah: yes I'm doctor Jeremiah Crane

Valentino: well, come sit here

Jeremiah walked over and sat down in front of him. The discussion is more or less the same as with Valentina but he is a complete 180 of her. He talked about how he makes anyone down on their luck and "make then a star". He would then go on and on about his work and his "movies" even offering to show Jeremiah his movies and or possibly joining one of them, of course he denied. As the discussion continue there are times where Valentino started getting angry at times practically shouting and as perusal Jeremiah remained calm and collected.

Valentino:So tell me do you have a place to stay?

Jeremiah:Why yes I actually stay at the Hazbin Hotel with princess Charlie and the others

Valentino:Is angel cakes happen to be there?

Jeremiah:Why yes she is there

Valentino growled still annoyed that she moved out of his place as well as now working for his sister Tina.

Jeremiah:Anyway I that's all the time we have today

Valentino:Ok but are you sure you don't want a role in one of my movies? I can make you a star, in addition of allowing you to stay at my humble abode

He said as he blew his smoke in Jeremiah's face as he wasn't phased.

Jeremiah:As I said before I'm not interested in the smut you call movies. And to be honest this place is completely shitty as well

Valentino:What the!? How is it not working!?

Jeremiah:Like I told your boyfriend I'm immune to any type of mind control that includes any mind alternating substances. *he stood up* Now if you'll excuse me I must be off

He said as he walks off.! You're not just gonna walk away from me do you know who the fuck I- *he is cut off as he felt something choking him*

Jeremiah was seen with his hand up slightly force choking him.

Jeremiah:Careful there Tino *he said looking back* don't choke on your words now

He said as he leaves letting Valentino go as he exits the building.

End Chapter.

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