Chapter 5

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It opens on Jeremiah walking up towards a large tower that had three Vs on the building.

Jeremiah:This must be the place

He walks in as he did he see many posters that promote what they had to offer like for Voxxan a bunch of new tech stuff, for Valentina all pornos, the stars and the dancers at her clubs and for Velvet a bunch of new designer clothes.

Jeremiah: huh... these ladies are the most popular in their respective fields and are well off for themselves

He then walk down the hall. He edvenully sees a receptionist as he walked towards her.

Jeremiah:Excuse me I'm Dr. Jeremiah Crane and I'm here for the appointment

Receptionist; for who

Jeremiah: I'm here for uh... *he said looking at his files* Miss Velvet

Receptionist: *in comms* miss velvette? there's a doctor here

Velvette: *comm* let him in

Receptionist:Ok you may enter

Jeremiah:Thank you *he said as he walked towards the elevator and entered it*

Later he arrived at Velvet's department and sees her getting things ready.

Jeremiah: *walks up towards her* You miss Velvet?

Velvet: yes darling, it's me, no one else looks as dashing as i am, *turn to see him* who else would i be

Jeremiah:Well I'm Dr. Jeremiah Crane and at the request of Lucifer I must evaluate you and your colleagues

Velvette: by the king of hell huh? I wonder why..anyways let's get staryed

Jeremiah:Where could we sit down in private?

Velvette: My office

Jeremiah:Ok then lead the way ma'am

He then follows her into the office as they sat across from each other.

Velvette: ready?

Jeremiah: *he takes out his note book* Yeah so tell me a bit about yourself

Velvet: well i'm Velvet, the backbone of the three vees, i designed clothes that only the best can wear, i also am trending on voxagran too

Jeremiah: *writing down notes* Ok and do you enjoy what you do? Is there anything else you want to do but you think you can't do it?


Jeremiah:Ok then, anyway speaking of your partners how do you all get along?

Velvet: we get along well

Jeremiah:How did you three meet?

Velvet: oh that's a story to tell

Jeremiah:Take your time

Velvet: i was their brothers' partner at first but i went to partner up with their sister to help them get a foothold in their respective business

Jeremiah:I see so that's why you say you're the "back bone of the Vs" but what about their brothers? Were you the one who helped them to get to where they are as well?

Velvet:No not really they were already big by the time I got to hell but I did help with their influence by sharing their products on the internet

Jeremiah:Ahh I see, ok I think that's all the time we have for now *he said as he stood up as he closed his notebook*

Velvet: that's it?

Jeremiah:Yes that's it now I must go evaluate your colleagues

Velvette: next floor up is Voxxan

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