Chapter 11

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It opens on Father's day as it showed to the Hazbin Hotel as everyone was going about their business while it cuts to Jeremiah's office as he steps out of it about to see his next client as he took a deep breath and had a depressed look on his face.

Alistra:Hello darling

Jeremiah:Hmm? Oh hello Alistra

Alistra:Are you alright? Smile my dear you're never-

Jeremiah:Never fully dressed without a smile I know it's just I...really loathed this day

Alistra:Why? What day is it today?

Jeremiah:Father's day

Alistra then realized the situation.

Alistra:Ohh I see it's because know who?

Jeremiah:Yes, I've loathed this day because of how I envy those with a father that loved them while I was saddled with a complete bastard growing up and tormenting me and my mother

Alistra:I know that feeling all to well

Jeremiah:Oh yeah I almost forgot, you also have a horrible father too

Alistra:Yeah...he'd do the same things yours did

Jeremiah:I guess that's one thing we have in common

Alistra:I mean you practically know everything about me dear so this shouldn't surprise you

Jeremiah:I suppose so, anyway I better go I have a new client to seen in an hour

Alistra:Very well but-

She said as he started to walk away.

Alistra:Wait *she said taking arm* there's something I wanna tell you

Jeremiah:Yeah is it? *he asked as he then thought to himself* Huh I guess she finally worked up the courage to tell me her true feelings

Alistra:Well it’s just I....I like you...a lot

Jeremiah: *acting* I'm Sorry?

Alistra:You heard me dear I... really like you, you were the only person who've understands me and the only one who never judge me for who I am or what I've done. As I said you're the only person I've ever told you anything about myself while I hide it from everyone the only one who knew any of this was Allen of course. Anyway what I'm trying to say is I was wondering if you uh....if you...wanna be my boyfriend?

Jeremiah:Well... this is certainly a surprised especially with who it is that is telling me this, but I supposed I should try dating so...I accepted

Alistra looked overjoyed as she squealed and hugged Jeremiah tightly as he returned the hug. Mid hug Jeremiah looked over and saw Allen, Nathan and Trevor as they were watching there as he gave them a wink and a thumbs up as if he knew they were there which he did. Then both Alistra and Jeremiah separated for a moment before Alistra leaned in and kissed him on the lips as Jeremiah returned it, after a moment before they broke the kiss.

Alistra:That was...that was really nice

Jeremiah:It certainly was Alistra, anyway I better get going I don't wanna he late

Alistra:Of course my dear

She said as they kissed one more time as Jeremiah walked off. As Jeremiah left the boys approached Alistra.

Allen:Finally found a lover deer cousin?

Alistra:Yes I have cousin

Trevor: *Whispering to Nathan* Should we tell her that Rosie already told Jeremiah?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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