My whole body was numb. I couldn't move. My head's throbbing and I remembered what happend!
I was kidnapped by hooligans! I moved my hand and my legs. I wasn't tied up. I looked around me and I wasn't in some dump, abandoned warehouse but instead I was laid in a comfy bed of a hotel, I think?
I panicked. What if there are people who want me dead? People who'll use me as a ransom to get money from my parents or they just want my body for fuck's sake! Should I call the CIA?
But what kind of kidnapping is this? Why didn't they tied me up and torture me like in those horrible kidnapping scenes from the movies? They put me in a comfy bed in a hotel and on the behind the door, was a midnight cocktail blue dress. I was thinking that maybe it would be my death dress.
I dialed my mom's phone number when Skyler called before I could so I answered.
"Richards." he said in a monotone.
"Skyler! Oh my gosh! I was kidnapped and---
He chuckled. "I assumed that you say that. Relax, I sent women from the salon to fix you and have seen the dress hanging behind the door? Wear it."
"What the fuck are you talking about?! I'm being kidnapped and you're talking nonsense! I need your help okay?!"
He just laughed. I'm being kidnapped and---
Wait a minute, something sinked into me.
"D-Did you kidnap me?!" I exclaimed.
"Anything for you, princess. Haha!"
"WHATTHEFUCK?!" Now I know that this is just a fucking set up! I'm so stupid for falling for the whole thing.
"I told you, Richards. You'll be my date no matter what." I can feel him grinning.
I snorted. "Tell you what, you won't need a date anymore. I'm leaving!"
I reached up to open the door when big guys in a suit showed up infront of me.
"Don't bother leaving. I sent bodyguards to make sure you won't escape the event."
"Are you even human?"
"No. I'm a sexy beast."
"May your ass burn in hell." I mumbled through the phone.
"Watch your mouth. Just get ready and when you're done, meet me in the lobby. Don't worry about anything I already told your parents about this." he said then ended the call.
After a few hours, his attendats finished setting me up. I looke nice. I told them to apply light makeup only and it went out so well. I can't help but admire the fishtail braid that they did to my braid because the decorated it with shiny flower sequence.
I was escorted by guards which made me felt a little bit nervous and shaky.
Just as the when the elevator dinged and it was a perfect timing. I saw the nasty devil by the grand picturesque with a smug look on his face.
"Laundry's a good look for you." He said with mocking eyes.
I was shaking. I was mad at him that I could hardly punch his face right now. My anger overpowered my emotions and without any hesitation and because of my irritation,
I slapped him on the face. Hard.
He winced by the pain. And looked at me like he's gonna skin me alive.
"What was that for? You bitch!"
"For kidnapping me, moron!" I answered.
My slap tinted his face with red--almost looking like a blush.
He kept rubbing his temple. "I told you! You'll be my fucking date no matter what!"
I snorted. "Tell you what, I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT IT!"
"Geez woman! You just slapped me for fuck's sake! Why are you being so hard on guys?!"
"I just did the right thing and you scared me to death. Why kidnap me? Is that the lamest style for asking a girl to be your date?!" I asked.
"Because you're playing hard to get and you're very impulsive!"
"You're one hella son of a----
The receptionist coughed lightly.
"Mr. Finn, your father is waiting for your prescence already." She said.
But before he answered, he looked at me first like "we're gonna talk about this later."
He straightened up his suit. "Very well then." He said in a monotone.
Thank God for that attendant. If it weren't for her, we couldv'e killed each other by now.
As we enter I hear the sweet music coming from the small band on the left side of the stage, Murmurs, laughter, and the talking of people echoes around the hall. This is a very regal and formal event. I'm guessing most of the people here are socially inclined with business, maybe most of them are successors that are very well known in the society.
I smiled like it's the most natural thing in the world. I greeted some, but they just smiled and ignored me. So much for being sophisticated.
I followed Skyler to the table where his dad was sitting. He was talking to a man who must be in mid-40's wearing a suit.and it kinda looked like Skyler 20 years later. Haha! It must be his father.
I was surprised when Skyler grabbed me by my waist and pulled me to his side.
"Dad, This is Carter Richards." He said.
"Nice to meet you." I extended my hand for a shake but instead getting one, he kissed the back of my hand.
The old man still looks young, handsome and vibrant in his age. Even if he has few grey streaks on his hair.
I smiled. Behind him was Chloe with a hansome man and who's that guy? He must be the reason why Skyler was turned down by Chloe.
Chloe's smile widened when she saw me.
She looked dazzling like a goddess. She's wearing a silver floor-length gown with a slit from her thigh. That must be from a designer brand. Her make-up, all light and natural. And to add up her angelic face, she wore a gold butterfly necklace. Simple but elegant. Her hair was tied up to an updo.
If Kayla was here she would probably flip for Chloe's look and brag about it on the internet.
We both exchanged kisses on the cheek.
"You look gorgeous." I said.
She elbowed me lightly. "So as you. You look breathtaking."
"Yeah but not as good as you." I laughed along with her.
She glanced at her date. "Carter, this is Zeke. Skyler's brother."
I tried to be natural. "Oh really? Nice to meet you, Zeke." I extended my hand for a shake and he accepted.
"I didn't know you're Skyler's brother. He never mentioned it."
Skyler frowned. "I told you that he was coming right?"
Shit. I forgot.
"I'm so sorry I forgot." I blushed and let out a laugh. Which was kinda awkward.
"Uh Chloe, I'll borrow Carter for a minute. We need to talk."
Sorry crappy update I had writer's block and exams coming on the way.

Perfect Piece of Forever
Humor"It's so good to love someone so much it hurts. I don't know how people survive this." LOL Our school is the place where you can see devils walking with textbooks and bitches wearing knee-high skirts. Until this guy arrived, my life became miserable...