We ran through the hallways until we reached the parking lot. We were pacing as we catch our breath.
I can't help but smile a little.
It's kinda fun actually. I remembered how I hate those kids ditching school until I realized the essence of their joy and I'm now one of them.
Well, we weren't the only ones ditching. I can see a lot of students driving, smoking, playing and even making out and no one seems to care about what they do. I guess it's a teenage-thing. I saw Josh leaning against his car and waved at us, so we came over.
"Hey guys! Where are you heading to?" He greeted and smiled.
Skyler looked at me and said, "We're going somewhere. How 'bout you, man?"
"I'm just hanging around. Teacher's out and Eric's flirting." He turned his head to the side where Eric's talking with some cheerleaders.
" Carter, I didn't know you were the type to ditch." He asked.
"Yeah,but I guess I could something fun for once."
"Goodluck having fun with this noob, and don't do something silly." He chuckled and I think I know what he meant.
"Like, N-O as in No. I still hate him."
"Guys, I hate too ruin your parade but, we need to get going. " Skyler snapped.
Stupid fuck. Josh and I were about to have a real coversation and then his disgusting face came up. He just dragged me away from him.
I looked back at Josh and he's still smiling. "Bye Josh!" I waved and he smiled again!
"You're actually flirting with Josh." He said.
"I am not! Don't start with me again I just want a beautiful day."
"Beautiful? How can a person have a beautiful day if he/she is ugly?"
"Appearance is not a hindrance to live a healthy and beautiful life."
"Psh. Whatever." I can feel him rolling his eyes at me.
"I had a beautiful day, until you ruined it." I murmured.
"What?" He asked.
I faked a smile. "Nothing. Where's your car?"
He pointed to a silver Lexus NX car.
It got me like, WOAH!
"Dang! You own a Lexus?"
"Yeah. Meet Andy." He said.
"You name your cars?"
"Got a problem with that?" He raised a brow.
"No. I think it's cool."
"You're into cars?"
"A bit. My dad owns a Lexus 200nt and it's actually a funny story." I said.
"Which is?"
"I always want to have a Pearl white Bentley for my birthday but all I got are a pair of flip-flops and a few books."
He went to the side of the car and open the door for me.
I raised a brow at him. "You want me to ride shotgun?"
"If you want, you can sit at the roof."
"My dad dosen't allow me to ride shotgun."
"Please don't use the term shotgun. It's just the front seat."
I nodded.
We were driving a long way from our school and Skyler just kept his eyes focused on the road.
I gotta say, It's cool for a 17-year old guy to drive a fabulous car.
"Skyler, You're not gonna kidnap and chop me to pieces are you?" I said and a worried look flashed on my face.
"Trust me, this place is nice."
We arrived at some park nearby, is a little lake with swans floating. Flowers everywhere, leaves falling from trees and children's laughter. It's like summer in July.
The place is breathtaking and only a few people are around here.
I kept walking until I saw a little bridge. Underneath it, is a pond with those cute little fishes. I raised my arms up in the air and I feel like it's in the middle of summer and I went over to the little swing and played with it. Giggling like a little girl and smiling at the skies.
Then, I felt a Skyler pushed the swing which made me laugh even more.
"You like it here?" He asked. I can see him smiling again.
"Loved it. What is this place?" I asked.
"It's my mom's. She owns this little park. This is the place where we get along with each other before she left."
"Oh, where did she go?"
"Some place happy and far." I knew what he was saying, His smile faded. I can tell it from his eyes.
"S-sorry." I uttered.
"It's okay."
We sat at the grass area near the lake watching the little ducks and swans swim along but I got a little tired of my position because my back ached. So I lied down to the grass and Skyler did the same thing as mine. He was beside me now, we were quiet as we watched the skies and clouds move and it's beautiful.
"Richards, you wanna go back to school?" He asked and turned his face to mine.
The realization of ditching came to my mind. Knowing that I escaped class and hang around with this douche made me go back to the real world.
"Okay." He got up first then help me through.
We were quite as he drives us back. I took a glance of him. He looked nothing like a devil to me. Still, I hate his guts but only the have of it beacuse he took me some place wonderful.
Gosh, I got trapped by the charm of his eyes. I was entranced by just looking at them and why do I felt like having butterflies in my stomach?
I told him I was hungry and we decided to end the trip with a drive-through at In-n-Out burger before we go back to school. I munched on my burger and fries. Hmmm... nothing like having fastfood in your tummy.
A day well spent with...uh, a monster :)
Dear reader,
Just keep on reading. Knock yourself out.
- sparkles :P

Perfect Piece of Forever
Humor"It's so good to love someone so much it hurts. I don't know how people survive this." LOL Our school is the place where you can see devils walking with textbooks and bitches wearing knee-high skirts. Until this guy arrived, my life became miserable...