Chapter 2 - Head Down, Chin Up

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The stranger looks Ajax up and down for a long moment, then his mouth curves into the most beautiful, soft smile Ajax has ever seen. He shakes his head once. "No, I don't believe we have had the pleasure of meeting in this lifetime," he says, beginning to help Ajax to his feet.

Wow, corny. If this guy wanted to go with an overused pick up line, he could've gone with the classic, "Did it hurt when you fell from the heavens?" Would've been more appropriate too, considering the circumstances of their meeting.

Ajax debates whether to quip back with something equally cheesy, but the man looks at him earnestly, as though his words were neither awkwardly forward nor out of place.

So, he's one of those overly formal types who honest-to-gods talks like that, huh? The man's voice is gorgeous too, weighty and lyrical, like he's permanently reading out a profound piece of poetry. He could read the weather report and it would probably sound like he was expounding some deep, philosophical revelation.

Ajax takes a steadying breath and allows the stranger to help him up. Okay, so the man is attractive, but that's no reason for him to lose his charm.

In fact, that's the perfect excuse to turn it on.

"Thanks, you just saved me having to flag down one of those recruiters for a replacement," he says, holding out a hand and flashing his most fetching smile. "The name's Ajax. And you are...?"

The man stares at Ajax's hand as though it might bite, but then he nods and returns the handshake. "My name is Zhongli. A pleasure to meet you." His gaze flickers to Ajax's pocket. "Might I assume that the Fatui's pitch has piqued your interest?"

"Not sure yet. Graduation coming up soon and all. Got to keep my options open in case something doesn't work out with this other job my father arranged. It's always vital to keep a backup plan, you see."

Zhongli chuckles and releases Ajax's hand, bending down to retrieve the last couple of books from the ground. "That is what I would expect you to say."

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing in particular." Zhongli stands, adjusting his book-pile and looking Ajax directly in the eye. "Other than that I felt a bright-looking man such as yourself might carry the same amount of sharpness and intellect that his appearance indicates."

Oh, this man is smooth. Keep those compliments rolling, Mister Zhongli, keep them rolling.

"So you're a charmer, are you?" Ajax shifts his weight onto one foot and folds his arms, meeting Zhongli's stare with a challenge of his own.

This time it's Zhongli's turn to be on the receiving end, and his eyes widen a fraction. "I did not intend—"

Ajax laughs. This Zhongli guy is funny. Kinda cute, too, with that slightly lost look on his face. "Ah, I'm teasing, I'm teasing! Anyway, I don't think I've seen you around here before, but with all those books on you I would've assumed that you live in the library. You study here?"

"Ah, these?" Zhongli looks at the books as though he's only just realised he has a stack the size of a small chair under his arm. "These are just a little light reading, for interest's sake. My workplace is back home in Liyue—the Wangsheng Funeral Parlour, should you have heard of it—but my employer has granted me a short sabbatical in order to research a lead on a certain topic that has piqued my interest."

"One that you'd like to share with the class?"

"Perhaps in time, but for now I am bound by confidentiality."

"Oh, so you're a mysterious researcher, I see."

Weird. Usually the post-graduate students or researchers using the university's facilities are more than eager to talk about their chosen topic of study. It's a trait Ajax utilises well whenever there's something he wants out of them.

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