Chapter 21 - Best Laid Plans

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Mother is supportive. She gives him a big, motherly hug, wishes him the best in looking for other opportunities, and bids him good luck in talking to Father.

Father takes it better than expected. He watches Ajax over the top of his newspaper, letting out a single grunt when Ajax tells him his grade, and a second when Ajax tells him that he's already messaged the accounting firm to see if they'll still take him.

"I could've done that, had a chat with old Mikhail," Father says.

"I know, but it's my responsibility."

Another grunt. "Good to hear it. So what now?"

"I guess we'll see what they say."

"That all?"

No, that is not all, and it's time for Ajax to whip out his master plan, to show Father how prepared he is, how seriously he's taking his future.

"I picked up some leaflets from the student union too, jobs that take students with a three or above."

"That's good."

"I spoke to the Fatui again on the way back, too."

"Oh?" This time the newspaper comes all the way down to rest in Father's lap. "And what did they have to say?"

"They seem pretty keen on me. The recruiter kept saying I have a lot of potential, and that if I signed up with them, I'd probably start on a salary similar to an office job."

"I see," says Father calmly, although the end of his sentence curls upward enough to betray his curiosity. "Sounds about right, from what I've heard. You'd do well there. Good place for a man to learn some discipline and work ethic."

"Right you are!" Ajax jumps on Father's words. The most important part of any negotiation is letting the other person think it's their idea—he learned that in one of his business-related modules, although the precise one escapes him. "I'm sure you have some stories of your own from when you were my age."

Father lights with a vigour that Ajax hasn't seen in him since Anya down at the local store ran a two-for-one deal on smokes. It was shortly after they lost contact with Nikolai, and Father had raced down there, returned with an entire bag of the things, and spent the next week turning the apartment into a chimney before never touching one again.

"Heh, although I was only in the regular military, I still have stories that would shock the very hair from your head."

"Please don't, I like my hair."

Father chuckles, a sound Ajax thought long dead. "Don't you worry, I've got all mine still, even if it's a bit thinned out these days," he says, patting the top of his head. "You're safe a good while yet."

"Ha, I guess you're right. In that case, bring on the stories. You said you have something to shock me, so I'm waiting to be shocked."

"Very well. Have I told you about the time when..."

Ajax settles onto the sofa opposite, listening to Father's words roll through him. It's been too long since they've done this, since Father's face has lit with the passion of a good story. Despite Ajax's failure, Father seems happy enough. Maybe the Fatui was the right option from the start. He can make everyone happy, earn all the money he needs, and get to do something he's good at.

All he needs to do is sign his name.

*   *   *

"So that's why I'm going to join the Fatui. Seems like a good idea, don't you think?"

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