Chapter 6 - History Lessons

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It turns out to be a very long week. At the university library, Yoimiya teases Ajax for spending more time staring out the window than at his revision notes, but he can't help it. Whenever he tries to focus he ends up tapping his pen against the desk, reading the same paragraph over and over. It's only when Yoimiya asks him what the song is that he realises he's been humming along to the Liyuen opera that Zhongli played in the car.

He texts Zhongli every night—just little things, asking him how his day was, telling him about the weird guy who had been wandering around campus wearing a bowler hat, wishing him a good night before bed—and in return, Zhongli likes to send him a good morning text, complete with his signature smiley face, and Ajax grins like the idiot he is every time.

He's got it bad for Zhongli.

Eventually Saturday arrives. Ajax is up before sunrise, even though they aren't due to meet until nine, tiptoeing around Anthon's violin case and Teucer's geovishaps, grabbing his clothes and engaging in another hopeless battle against his hair. He spends the next hour sitting on his mattress tapping his heel against the floor and staring at the minutes ticking by on his phone.

The museum is located close to the university campus, and Ajax arrives with time to spare, at 8:45 a.m. precisely. He then spends the next ten minutes pacing out the front, sweat forming on his palms that he repeatedly wipes off, only for it to stubbornly reappear.

He checks his phone. No message.

What if Zhongli changed his mind? The museum is kind of a lame idea for a date. He should've offered to take Zhongli somewhere exciting, like paintballing. Even though he seldom has the opportunity to play (it's a total rip off—hundreds of mora for a few balls of paint!), he's always had a good eye for it. He could've impressed Zhongli with his deadly aim, and maybe let Zhongli get a hit in on him too, if he was feeling generous.

Oh well, he's here now, but it's 8:55 a.m., and Zhongli isn't.

Then Zhongli appears from around the street corner. He's wearing the same as last time, except today his turtleneck is brown, but he's somehow more radiant than before, his skin shimmering like morning dew, and Ajax has to hold himself back from waving and jumping like a desperate man.

Zhongli came. Of course he did. Ajax plays it cool, leaning against the building, nodding in Zhongli's direction and giving him a small, subtle wave.

"Hey," he says as Zhongli reaches him. "You came."

Zhongli nods, tugging at the sleeves of his coat. "Yes, although I wish to extend my apologies, for I have found myself running a little early. I hope that my timing has not brought you any inconvenience."

"Zhongli, I don't live here, remember? If you're early, that means I'm early, too."

"Ah, yes. This is true." Zhongli tucks an arm behind his back and clears his throat.

Ajax hovers. Zhongli hovers.

How do people usually greet each other on a second date? Ajax doesn't usually get this far. A handshake is too formal, and they aren't at the kiss on the cheek stage yet (if only), let alone the lips. Hug? Hug is good. Low pressure, but positive. That's the play here.

Ajax steps forward and opens his arms. "It's good to see you."

"Indeed." Zhongli steps into the hug a little hesitantly, but his arms close around Ajax with strength disproportionate to his frame, squeezing him close. "How fortunate that fate has allowed us to meet once more."

"You agreed to come here!" Ajax laughs from his position, pressed against Zhongli's baby-soft cheek. "But we should head inside. I had to book a time slot for the exhibit and we're up for the nine-thirty entrance."

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