Chapter 16 - Self Defence

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Author's Note: A couple of CWs for this chapter:

-General violence. (Not too graphic)
-Ajax goes into a pretty funky mental space towards the middle of this chapter. If it's too much and you need to skip past, please Ctrl + F to "Rex Lapis was murdered." for the next scene.

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The next few weeks pass in relative peace. With Yoimiya talking to him again, Ajax has more than just Zhongli to fill the long hours during which he should be studying. He still can't focus for more than a few minutes at a time, but during his and Yoimiya's study sessions he quizzes her on the material for her own classes; watching her confidence grow with each answer is just as satisfying as studying for himself.

He'll sort his own studies out in time. He'll make it work.

Zhongli is as supportive as ever and, hearing Ajax's plight, supplies him a long list of teas and herbal supplements to assist with sleep and focus. None of them work, but he tells Zhongli that they do, and Zhongli is happy.

Despite Ajax's restlessness, it's been nearly a month since his last dream, and more than once he places his Vision on the palm of his hand, tapping and prodding the faded gem in hope that it'll choose to reveal something. However, it remains stubbornly dim, and he's forced to clip it back to his belt, hoping that next time will be the time it decides to cooperate.

The last night before Ajax's first exam happens to be June 21st—Yoimiya's birthday. She invites a small group out for dinner on campus, in which Ajax is included, and afterwards they head out to the student cocktail bar, which sells cheap drinks with even cheaper tasting alcohol. After a couple of rounds the chatter is cheerful and bubbly, with everyone treating Yoimiya as the star of the evening.

It's good that Yoimiya has this. She deserves it.

Ajax does his best to participate, although he can't quite settle, glancing about the bar every few minutes, peering into the corners in case he should find a figure trapped there, unable to escape from a tormentor far bigger and stronger than they are.

Just in case. Just in case he's needed again.

At just before 11 p.m., the others begin to filter back to their dorms, citing the next day's exams, and Ajax takes that as his cue to leave.

"Sorry, Yoimiya, I'll be heading out too," he says, standing from his bar stool. "I've still got to walk back, and Father will murder me if I'm home after midnight with tomorrow coming up."

Yoimiya frowns. "You're walking? Is that safe?"

"Sure, this is me we're talking about, after all!"

"That's why I'm worried, silly! But alright—call me if you get into any issues. And..." Yoimiya jumps up to give him a quick hug then steps back to raise her drink to him. "It was great to see you. Good luck for tomorrow."

"You too, Yoimiya."

Ajax heads out through the campus and towards the road home, a row of street lamps lighting his way. As he reaches his neighbourhood, the number of functional lamps becomes few and far between, some with their bulbs visibly smashed, while others flicker and buzz with a static hum. The midsummer leaves the sky a deep blue, a peach tint painted across the horizon, and although the light is dim, there's enough for him to safely navigate the streets.

His phone buzzes in his pocket and he slips it out, shielding the screen with his hand. It's Zhongli, wishing him a good night's rest and good wishes for his exams. It's sweet of Zhongli to think of him, and Ajax replies, thanking him and wishing him goodnight. Maybe tomorrow won't be so bad after all.

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