Chapter 12 - Darker Inclinations

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Rex Lapis' Gnosis. Her Majesty seeks the Geo Archon's Gnosis.

Tartaglia is on a mission. He skulks through Liyue's night streets, two agents close in tow behind him, slinking through the shadows. He's been in Liyue for three months now, and he's found neither hair nor hide of the absent god.

Rex Lapis's rule is nothing like Her Majesty's, who sits upon her throne of ice, surveying her subjects with her regal gaze. The throne room is decorated with the spoils of Her successful conquests—weapons of vanquished foes, heads of slain beasts—and no-one would dare doubt the might of Her rule. When an edict is passed, she ensures that every corner of Snezhnaya knows, agents sent out to even the most secluded of villages to distribute pamphlets detailing Her latest word.

Meanwhile, Rex Lapis is nowhere to be found. Why the people of Liyue hold him in such high regard is a mystery.

As a warrior, he understands. Rex Lapis is powerful, accomplished in all manner of weapons and the most powerful wielder of Geo in all of Teyvat. Although there's not much to say about Rex Lapis as a ruler, as a warrior, going toe to toe with him in combat would be glorious. Rex Lapis favours the polearm, so his sources say, as does Tartaglia. What a test that would be, to see how they match up to each other. Blade to blade. Man to god.

And he will, in time.

He voiced as such to Zhongli the last time they met over dinner at Wanmin Restaurant. Not the fighting part—Zhongli doesn't need to know that he intends to rip his Archon's Gnosis from his chest—but he had thoroughly vocalised his thoughts on Rex Lapis' style of leadership.

In response to Tartaglia's thoughts, Zhongli had laughed. "Yes, it is quite intriguing, is it not, to observe that which inspires loyalty among different nations? Perhaps Rex Lapis ought to take some pointers from the Cryo Archon in order to improve upon his leadership style."

Zhongli is different from other Liyuens. More fun, and definitely more open minded about Rex Lapis.

"And that is precisely why we get on so well." Tartaglia raised his cup, tapping it against Zhongli's with a wink. "If only he'd show up around town every now and then. How does anyone in Liyue go about asking him a question?"

Tartaglia had known all too well. The Rite of Descension—the one day each year that Rex Lapis descends to hear his people's questions regarding the year ahead.

This year will be the year that Rex Lapis' Gnosis is plucked from his chest.

"Usually, one must wait until the Rite of Descension in order to raise their questions to their Archon," Zhongli replied. "However, during the times in between, for matters that the Qixing is not equipped to handle, some take up a pilgrimage to Jueyun Karst, seeking the counsel of the adepti."

"The adepti? They're real then? I heard there's a few half adepti around, but I wondered if they were telling silly tales to a foreigner." Tartaglia also knew that the adepti were real. Before his mission, he'd been briefed thoroughly on the topic, as well as Rex Lapis' position as Prime of the Adepti.

"Yes. Although, unfortunately, most humans wander too far, into areas where they have not the permission to enter, and so incur the ire of those whom they seek."

"And if one wanted this permission?"

"Then you would require either an offering of some manner, or a Sigil of Permission."

"And where, in theory, would someone get a hold of one of those?"

And that's how he's ended up here, outside Yanshang Teahouse. The owners are sadly three months behind on payments of a large loan taken out from Northland Bank, and tonight, he's here to collect.

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